Fledgling Domain

Domain: 3 Lien: 3


Majority black and lower middle to working class folk.


Currently unmanaged by Kindred leaders, with the coterie's influence likely landing it under the Camarilla's jurisdiction.


Largely rows of humble homes in various states of repair or decay. There are a few parks, various buisnesses, and it borders landmarks such as Henry Ford Hospital and Motown Museum.

Guilds and Factions

A local charity rises in renown as it's volunteers refuse to take the state of the city lying down.


A recent rash of murders has scared the domains inhabitants.

Points of interest

  • The Saint Agnes School is a lot composed of a church and caholic school, both abandoned years ago, now fallen into disrepair.
  • Leland City Club, while not physically within the domain, is under the coterie's control after a boon repayed by the elder Albertine. 
Location under
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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