The Island of Nordland Geographic Location in The World of Eredus | World Anvil
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The Island of Nordland

" Those who are lost travel to Nordland, those who return have found purpose"   What once was a proving grounds for the Goliaths who once roamed Nordig now is home to only 1 being, Yarmundr the Storm Giant. The Island is largely empty and contains no major settlements. Yarmundr was once an ancient grumpy giant after the great war, but many saw him as a sage. Many storm giants are prophets and elders who provide guidance to the younger and weaker giants.    One day during the Blood War, a dragonborn military commander named Harkax BlackTooth  travelled to the island in search of glory, to slay an ancient and tired storm giant, but Harkax never returned to the war, it is said once he spoke to Yarmundr and realised his purpose he moved to the top of Laganthors mountains to study the dragons.   There are many other tales of Yarmundr guiding those who travelled to his isle, to the point where it is a regular thing for most religious pilgrims or men lost without purpose to visit him. It is said he is well read on all religion and is able to help connect those who visit him with their gods.


The island is mostly a large forest of pine trees, snow is a rare occurrence there and some believe it is because Yarmundr himself controls the weather there, they believe it is a reflection of his emotion. Sailors who bring pilgrims to Nordland often will not stay on land if it is raining, believing that Yarmundr is upset.

Fauna & Flora

As Nordland does not see the same snowfall as most of the frozen north, more flora and fauna are free to roam there. It has a relatively basic ecosystem with predators and prey such as wolves, bears, deer, pigs and sheep. As it not populated by people most of these animals make up their own animal kingdom and the most powerful predators are animals and not humans. As for flora, there are a number of unique mountain flowers that grow in the island as well as ocean flowers near the shore.
Alternative Name(s)
Yarmundrs Isle, The Guidance Island.
Owning Organization
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