The Emerald Empire Organization in The World of Eredus | World Anvil
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The Emerald Empire

Where some seek to harm the world, there are others determined to protect her. The Emerald Empire is the most diverse and largest faction within Vergania. They are not hostile in nature and exist to protect the natural order of the world. They have no issues with other factions and stick mostly to themselves.

Public Agenda

The purpose of this Faction is to preserve and protect the natural world all throughout Vergania. This faction works closely with the Concord when issues of the weave are concerned and wish to restore the weave so they may see the natural world restored.


Despite having the most diverse race pool of all of the factions, the Empire lacks many unique and strong assets. They do not have an overwhelming amount of wealth, weapons or vehicles. The strongest asset of the Empire is their connection to nature.


One of the first factions formed after the fall of the Empire and The Legion, the Emerald Empire saw enemies of old join together in bonds of unity in order to protect nature. When the weave was first corrupted, most of nature fell and crumbled. The races with the most to lose and those who loved nature the most came together to form The Emerald Empire. It is not viewed as negatively as the Concord as they use the weave carefully and with restraint as well as most factions viewing them as the kindest and most altruistic faction.

Demography and Population

The Emerald Empire boasts one of the largest populations of the factions, a natural conclusion given the diversity of races within it. They also boast the largest amount of land with lands such as Bohan, Nordig, Surdig, Riveld Forest and Midern being under their control. Most of their land is directly linked to the natural world through earth, snow, trees and mountain ranges. Some believe Centar to be an area of the Empire but they are mistaken, as the Firbolg do not owe affiliation to any of the factions.


The military in the Empire is the weakest of all the factions, even the Dwarves who boast only a single race. Soldiers are in short supply across the Empire and those who do get military training often become city guards. There is no unified guard which guards all of the Empire and the protection of each city, town or village is up to the leader of said settlement. The natural mountain ranges and rough terrain mean they are usually safe from most outside threats, though some complain the rowdy nature causes many deaths for those not experienced in traversing the wild.


Religion is very open within the Empire, though some wish to worship deities like Hiatea, Othea & Silvanus, others choose to worship any god they believe will positively affect the natural world or even those who will help them personally in their quest to restore the natural order. While shrines and groves to Hiatea & Silvanus might be more common then another it would not be strange to see a grove dedicated to Tyr or Zeboim. Religion plays a large part in the lives of most of those who live within the Empire, from Maglubiyet to Stronmaus.

Agriculture & Industry

Foraging is the agriculture in industry of the Empire, while some like the Goblins still hunt for their meat and the goliath's still farm as normal all the races within have agreed not to farm or kill too many animals until the natural world is restored as every living creature is extremely valuable to the wilds, they do not indulge and only hunt and farm as much as is required for the current harvest cycle.


The Emerald Empire educates it's people well to live and work in the Empire, though it does not educate them much of the world outside. Religion and Nature are two of the biggest driving subjects within organized education within the Empire, some races teach their own history like the Goliaths with their tales of Vaprak and Annam and Goblinoids with their tales of Maglubiyet and Ghaan. While the average layman within the Empire is well educated they are not wordly and know little of the other factions.

"The power which can destroy a thing, can also be used to preserve it as well."

Founding Date
Religious, Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
The Druidic Empire, The Natural Empire, The Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Emerald Imperials
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Most of those who live within the Emerald Empire do not use currency and use it only when trading outside or in large capital cities. They use a barter system where goods are exchanged with goods of equal value with the value being determined by the individuals doing the trading.
Major Exports
As they do not deal much with currency, they have no major exports, though they do sell natural product to some of the races which require it.
Major Imports
Due to the size and versatility of their land and cultures, the Empire requires the importing of very little things and can source almost everything they need themselves.
Legislative Body
Every village town or city has a local leader, some are viscounts, lords and some elder druids. These leaders can propose a law and it is brought before the people in each city. After some time of surveying the results of the proposed law are brought to Surdiga, where ArchDruid Zemel decides if the law is worth enacting based on the number of people who voted in favour of it, and what areas find it favourable.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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