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Denizens of the World

The World Government

  The World Government is a global regime which has ruled the world for over 900 years, and was founded by an alliance of 32 different kingdoms. It has since vastly grown in influence and now spans across more than 210 of the world's civilized countries. The World Government maintains an international order that claims to benefit all, making the world safe for the sake of everyone. Using the Marines, they pursue criminals endangering the lives of those who are innocent, protecting the people of each country in the world. The World Government, as the largest political power, holds full rights to halt or encourage any political action without question or opposition.   All over the world, there are over 210 countries that are affiliates of the World Government. Within their own territory all these members have their own sovereign government that rules over its people. However, in the large World Government itself, those leaders are treated as equals and each have a seat within it. Among these member countries, not all are of the same kind. Some are large countries with kings as their leaders, while others are simply big cities that are governed by mayors. Nations who are affiliated with the World Government also gain its protection, and can be helped and defended by the Marines and Cipher Pol.   Of the 32 nations, 18 nations joined the World Government voluntarily, and the other 14 were conquered and brought on. Most of these nations are now disassembled. The family of the rulers of these nations have become known as the World Nobles or “Celestial Dragons”. A good few of these World Nobles live in the Marina Channel, a channel connecting Paradise to the New World.

The Marines

The World Government's military sea force, tasked with law enforcement, international security, and military operations. They are present in all the seas around the world. The World Government is broken up into several different ranks, with the Fleet Admiral on top.

Criminal Views

To most the World Government and the Marines are saviors, and protectors. But to the less fortunate they are tyrants, hellbent on keeping control over the world.  

The Special Science Group

Also known as the SSG, is headed by Stein Howard.  

The World News Journal

The World News Journal is the world's best source of news. It is headed by Orange "The Daily" Woodward.  

The Great Explorer Pirate

The Mighty Explorer Pirate, Cadot Strange, left his home to seek adventure, and soon found himself flying a Jolly Roger. With his charisma, and wit, he gathered a crew of friends to adventure across the seas. He fought against the World Government for years, until he came to be known as the “Great Explorer Pirate”. This continued until eventually he and his entire crew vanished. 2 years later he turned up alone on a small craft. He was taken into the World Government and questioned, and apparently he had no memory of anything. Because of this, the government held him in a jail cell until they could try him. He sat in a cell for 3 years until he was put to execution. He was taken to the capital city of the world, and was placed on the gallows. As he sat looking across the countless people he cried out, “The world is treacherous, and the ocean even more so! The ocean provides for all, but it takes away as well. It provided me with what I always wanted, but took away something even more important.” He paused, “It can all be yours! It waits for you! Knowledge, Power, Wealth, far beyond your wildest dreams! Don’t let my knowledge be in vain! Find it! The Fool’s Treasure waits for you all!” As he finished his sentence the ground beneath him opened, and he was hung. This sent all sorts of people to the Grand Line, the place where he disappeared, in hopes they could find the Fool’s Treasure, the treasure of the ages.

Strange's Era

Cadot Strange started what is now known as, “The New Wave Pirates”, and has brought a lot of trouble to the World Government.

The Revolutionary Army

The Revolutionary Army is an extremely powerful military organization. They are the only force in the world that directly opposes the World Government and seeks to dismantle it. The members of this organization tend to be very secretive, and move in the shadows. But, they have become more and more public as of recent times.

Downfall Generation

The Downfall Generation is what a lot of people refer to people born in the last 30 years or so. These people are born with the knowledge that Cadot Strange wandered the seas and found something in the New World. Pirates of the "Downfall Generation" are crews with a member that have more than 200,000 Quel bounty, who are arriving to Mezzago around the same time.
  1. The Soaring Pirates
  2. The Blast Pirates
  3. The Candyland Pirates
  4. The Cannonball Pirates
  5. The Thunderbolt Pirates
  6. The Dancing Pirates
  7. The Freaky Pirates
  8. The Knights Pirates
  9. The Flowing River Pirates

Warlords of the Sea

There are currently 7 pirates that have come to possess immunity from the World Government, they are known as the Warlords of the Sea. They promise to not attack marines, or the government directly, for their bounties to be frozen, and have the government not attack them.
  1. Yoshitsune Kemono (The World's Strongest Swordsman) - Kemono is a human man, with long gray hair, a long blue gray coat, a yukata, and brown boots. He has a sea-prism coated katana, with is dark teal in tint, with a dark red handle, with black wood beneath it. This blade is named Shioken Ichidai. He acts mostly indifferent about most things, and always does something that benefits him. Captain of the Tenken Pirates, and has a frozen bounty of 41,010,000 Quel.
  2. Cordelia Strengthenhold (Wavecaller) - Cordelia is a human woman who has long flowy blue hair, tanned skin, who wears a flowy white dress, birch colored sandals, and a leather band around her waist. She is a powerful woman with an attitude, and is egotistic. She is ruthless and charismatic. Everything in her eyes is a profitable source, and money equals power. She possesses the Water-Water Fruit, a Logia that allows her to control, turn into, and cast herself through water. She is the captain of the wave pirates, and has a frozen bounty of 17,400,000 Quel.
  3. Barts Turner (Bubble-Man) - Barts is an old human man, with untanned skin, brown eyes, and slicked back white hair. He wears over the top Victorian style suits, and carries a cane with him. He cares little for honor, as he stole his way to the top, and believes if everything isn't perfect and pristine, it has no purpose existing. He has the Bubble-Bubble fruit, a Logia fruit that allows him to make bubbles, and encase things in them. He can also make doubles of himself made of bubbles. He is the President of Bubble-Land, and has a frozen bounty of 8,900,000 Quel.
  4. Jax Delarin "The Dark Blade" - Jax is a Kobold man, with bronze colored scales, and a set of horns flowing backwards from his head. He wears a black coat, with leather armor underneath, and can always be seen smoking a pipe. He wields a black bladed longsword, that has a golden cross guard, that looks like a V. This blade is named the Dragonslayer. He possesses the Lightning-Lightning fruit, which is a Logia that allows him to turn into, control, and manipulate electricity. He is the captain of the Black Blade Pirates, and has a bounty of 4,001,000 Quel.
  5. Morgan Henry "Genocidal" - Morgan is a human man, with tanned skinned, shaggy neck length greyish brown hair. He wears scalemail, and wields a fang looking longsword. He is very prideful, and strong headed. He possesses the Wolf-Wolf Fruit, Model: Dire, a Zoan fruit that allows him to transform into a Dire wolf. He is the captain of the Hound Pirates, which are secretly a subsidiary of the "Feral Pirates", and has a frozen bounty of 18,000,000 Quel.
  6. "The Sad Mask" - The Sad Mask is a woman who is fully covered, and wears a metal sad opera mask. She is not known to speak all that often, but she is very strong. She was involved with preventing civilian deaths in Blackbeard's betrayal. She does not possess a Devil Fruit. It is theorized that she was a member of the Shi Armada. She is not a captain of any crew, and has a frozen bounty of 14,000,000 Quel.
  7. Katarina Shelley "The Gates" - Katarina Shelley is a human woman with the Shadow-Shadow fruit. She has untanned skin, long emerald green hair, and sunken black eyes. She looks perpetually tired. She wears gothic style clothing, along with large black platform boots. She wears heavy goth-style make up. Her devil fruit allows her to control shadows of all objects and creatures. She can place these shadows into herself, others, or dead bodies, to empower, or bring them to life. She tends to be pretty soft spoken, and one note. However, she really enjoys writing. Her dream is to write a book about a traveling going across the entire world, with her pirate career acting as inspiration. Her frozen bounty is 980,000 Quel.
  1. Henry Every "The Cretaceous Killer" - Human. Chubbier and a bit older with a full gray beard. Uses a shortsword and a pistol and wears typical British pirate clothing. Always bolsters about his treasure, but is paranoid. He uses the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Tyrannosaurus. He was resuscitated by his crew, however, the World Government decided to lock him up as he was still going after the Fool's Treasures.
  2. Lize Marigold "The Master of the Sea" - Fishman woman. Abandoned her post to assist the proper transference of power in Fishman island from one elected ruler to the next. Has not returned since, as the World Government captured her upon her return to the Grand Line. She had given up her post, with the intention of gaining it again, but the World Government thought that the Lize would fight for Madam Shi, and that the other Fishfolk believed in her too much, so she had to be removed from the picture.
  3. Queen Terruta "The Amazonian Queen" - Dark tanned skinned woman wearing metal and leathers like armor, but it simply adds to her already amazing defensive body. She has black hair. She has a cool yet stoic demeanor. She possesses the Bronze-Bronze Fruit. Currently locked in the Undercell, after attacking a World Noble. She became a warlord to protect her family, as she realized she was much stronger than the other humans of the world. Gradually, her power grew, and now she lives on the ocean-based nation of Terrinia. She is a representation of groups of women in the world who support each other during strife. The Bronze Pirates. Killed by Ryuukaze.
  The Emperors of the Sea There are currently 4 pirates that have become so infamous, they are known as emperors of the sea itself. The World Government is unlikely to mess with them, as they could cause a war with just one crew.
  1. Grace O’Malley (The Queen of the Pirates) - She does not possess a devil fruit. She has a 60,000,000 Quel Bounty
  2. Rotting Man (The Laughing Dead) - He possesses the Death-Death Fruit. He has a 66,600,000 Quel Bounty The Death's Door Pirates.
  3. Obi Maneford (Big Obi) - He possesses the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Terrasque. He has a 65,000,000 Quel Bounty. Feral Pirates.
  4. Edward Thatch - Blackbeard is a Half Giant man, with a lengthy black beard, and long black hair. His body looks unnatural, as he has had scientific changes done to it before leaving the Warlords. As he was the man who technically killed Madam Shi, he let that power get to his head and, due to a fight against the Bronze Pirates and an attack on Ridgebess, he is now an Emperor of the Sea. He has the Cannon-Cannon fruit, as well as a massive body. The Blackbeard Pirates. He has a 55,000,000 Quel Bounty
  1. Shi Xiang Gu (Madam Shi) (World’s Strongest Woman) - She possesses the Land-Land Fruit. She has a 75,000,000 Quel Bounty


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