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Mezzago is a two tiered city, styled like old Spanish-ish American styled architecture, with half circle brick shingled roofs, open air adobe houses, heavy wooden doors, and terranes that overlook the streets and canals below.   Upper Tier   The top tier is that Spanish America style of architecture shown. Through several parts of the town exists canals that one can use a smaller craft to sail through. The roads here are all made of cobblestone, with bridges that go over the canals. However, there are still plenty of walkways that are not impeded by the waterways. Along the streets there is constantly music playing, from some band or another.   Pirates aren't uncommon to see, and at this point most tend to be either too strong for an average Marine to mess with, or too unimportant. Because of that, as long as the pirates keep to themselves, and don't actively show themselves off in front of Marines, they should be fine.   However the opposite is true for fishmen, who are hunted from here to be sold as slaves.   The city is divided by the waterway canals, making seven different zones. The outer two most zones on either side are residential, but the inner three are packed with city life. Streets full of taverns, businesses, and restaurants all packed together.   Several old alleyways populate this area as well. Those alleyways either head into small business squares, old dive bars, or are entrance to the lower tier of the city.   Bottom Tier   The bottom is the massive sewer and jail system. For the most part it is stone brick, with waterways down the middle, as well as walkways around the edges. Additionally, there are several jail cells along the walls, as well as a small guard encampment. There are several businesses and houses down here, but they are for the most part rare to see.
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