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Tempest Kofus

Name: Tempest Kofus
Debut: Session 0
Affiliations: Soaring Pirates; Feral Pirates (formerly)
Occupations: Helmsman; Navigator

Winter's Bite; Bloodstained (formerly)
Blood Type:
14,800,000 Quel   Summary
A person of some kind   Appearance
Tempest is a young snow leopard Dima of above average height with black-spotted white fur, round ice blue eyes, and a slim muscular build. Before the timeskip, she had long white hair and wore a black hat with a white strip and a large blue brim with holes for her ears. After the timeskip, she had cut her hair and dyed the ends of it a light blue, and she changed her hat to a short, originally green, now blue, wide-brimmed hat with a red strap and holes for her ears.   Personality
A person of some kind   Relationships
A person of some kind
Who?   Family
Tempest has a sister named Pacifica.   Others
Who?   Abilities and Powers
Devil Fruit Tempest ate the Hie Hie no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to create and control ice, and transform her body into the element. Compared to most Logia users who, when transformed, can let physical attacks pass through their "fluid" bodies, Tempest is more easily hit since ice is a solid element. However, she still goes unharmed by enemy attacks that are not infused with Haki; instead of dissipating out of harm's way, her body shatters apart when struck, only to reform as effortlessly as any Logia user thereafter.
Physical Abilities As a Dima, Tempest is a natural born fighter with incredible strength and is able to generate electricity through her paws and body. She is constantly aware of the location of Dimas so long as she is in the New World.
Sulong As a Dima, Tempest is able to undergo a transformation whenever she is hit by the unobstructed light of a full moon. During this transformation, her body loses her spots, grows one size and becomes stronger.
Haki Tempest can use both Color of Arms and Color of Observation.
Tempest Kofus was born to a family of 8. Her parents were named Henika and Mikel. Most of her siblings were adopted or strays that the couple took in. She and her twin sister Pacifica were the only ones to be blood-related to parents. She had two older sisters, Lilith and Bethin, both of whom had an abnormality on their face and body, one older brother, Gusbu, and a middle child named Arliner. Lilith and Bethin were humans, while Gusbuv was a grey cat Dima, and lastly Arliner who was a Repsin/Tortle. From oldest the youngest, the family was: Lilith, Bethin, Gusbuv, Arline, Tempest, and by a few minutes, Pacifica.   Lilith and Bethin would often times steal from the Kofus family, and from others, which would end up causing lots of problems for their family. They were typical rebels and upset at the world, and Tempest knew that. They were ashamed of the face and body they had. That their own parents had abandoned them. Her older two brothers actually cared and worked hard to make ends meet. They weren’t the perfect family but it was better than before. They would be so tired at the end of the day, but still made time to read stories when Tempest or Pacifica struggled to sleep at night. These stories were about the danger of the seas and pirates who were so rich that they made their ships very detailed and extravagant. Those stories were always so nice and cool to think about, but Tempest never saw herself as a person who could be one, even if the idea of finally ending her parent’s struggle was a result.   The family are often struggling with food and money. The two oldest resented her for being born into a family that cares, that doesn’t abandon them. Their parents often cared for Pacifica a little more than others, since she had resembled them the most, and the fact she was blind in one eye. Their parents often left them in the care of Lilith and Bethin while everyone else would go and get work done on their farm, or any other odd job they could find. Lilith and Bethin often left them alone and didn’t bother caring for them, which over time caused Tempest to stand up and care for herself and her twin sister. She would tell her parents and they would always comfort and say they were going to have a chat, and they would, and for a few days things would be okay and the cycle continued.   The only thing Tempest knew was that no one cared for her more than herself. She wasn’t able to read or write, nor understand her emotions. If she cried out no one would help her. Her world truly sucked, and she knew it. Over time she only started saying simple sentences and kept a neutral face.   When she turned 8 things were okay, Pacifica and Tempest were working around town to make some side coins for the family besides farmwork. Her parents started saving up for a new place with more space, so that the family could stop sleeping together on the floor. But things took a turn for the worst when Tempest got to help her oldest sisters take carts to the ships at port. While taking a break from the job, the older girls offered Tempest a drink, she kindly refused. The pair began teasing Tempest about her lack of talking. Which Tempest could take. But when they started talking crap about Pacifica she couldn’t ignore it anymore. She took the bottle and took three big gulps and felt extremely woozy. All she saw was two blurry figures reach out and laugh at her. That was the last time she ever was home.   The next time she woke, she was in a crate locked in with fresh food swaying back and forth. Her senses weren’t working properly and she was tied down with a gag. She just slowly came to and began to kick at the crate. Again, nothing would happen and it almost was like there were more crates on top. Whenever someone would come down to get supplies she would meow out and wish that they heard her...but no one ever did. She was sad and would cry to herself and miss home. She was grateful to be in a crate with preserved food though. Eventually, they landed onto a crazy loud port and learned she was just on a cargo ship and was now being sold to passersby. She tried to cry out but fear ran her over, nothing came out when she opened her mouth. She trembled as she heard a loud booming voice cry out as if greeting an old friend.   The conversation went normal, how's business, and whatcha got. Small simple talk really. Eventually, they came around to Tempest and said how the crates were fresh produce from the farming island Wheatly. An apparently good farming area that Tempest knew as home but wasn’t sure where to go from here. They also talked about some exotic baby lizards from some island Tempest never heard of for an amount she couldn’t count to. The booming voice sniffed the air and grumbled something about needing catnip as well. The seller’s voice lowered and they began walking away when Tempest heard some whistles and grunts. Next thing she knew she was being hauled into another ship, one that smelt funny and has lots of fish. She heard someone yell out OUCH and growl while others giggled and laughed. She was put into a dark room and noticed that she no longer had much of anything in her crate and that the baby lizard was next to her and visible through some of the holes she had made. They stared at each other for a while and as it got closer she hissed. It was a beautiful green-blue mix but she had no clue what it was. She was talking to it for a few hours and it actually seemed like he could understand it, she didn’t know what the hell it was. That was the first time she talked to someone for that long and it felt nice but made her mouth dry. She fell asleep for the rest of the day and woke to someone picking up her crate and tossing it into another room. As she hit the floor with a loud thug she heard an older males voice start bickering with someone about the quality of food and its care. When the person began opening crates with a grunt she began to feel nervous and puffed up ready to hiss. The man stopped at her crate and sniffed the air. He sighed and said that he wasn’t going to bite and he was going to open the crate slowly.     When he opened the crate he was met with a wide-eyed scared and dirty tabaxi with a grey fur coat. He spoke softly and announced himself as Bevo, a chef for the Warriors of Bane, a pirate ship. I tried to puff myself up, I didn’t fear this guy until he said something about pirates that did it. I looked this guy up and down, Bevo was a cat guy like me but er... A lot more weight then I thought he could be. He picked me up with ease though and carried me by my scruff like Bethin used to do. I tried clawing at him but it seemed like it did nothing. We were on a decently sized ship and as we passed other people I learned that they were me. A boat of cats, pirate cats.   As we reached the top deck I heard a loud smack and something hit the floor.   “Take him away! A sight for sore eyes!” The same man with a booming voice I heard earlier. “Letting that damn lizard escape… cost me a whole lot more than the nip.”   “Captain...there seems to be an extra body on board” With that Bevo threw me in front of the scariest cat I ever have seen. He was burly and stinky with some gold teeth. He hissed at me almost immediately and began asking questions. I glimpsed around and saw no other cat make eye much for a pack I guess. I never answered and I stared up at him. He laughed a big scary laugh and picked me up by my collar.   “I ASKED YER A QUESTION YES?” he demanded. I continued to stare and he smiled and threw me down onto the deck. He belittled me in words that had no meaning or I didn’t understand. I didn’t cry or scream. I just took the kicks he gave me. I felt so dizzy, I tasted iron and I heard a voice cry out.   “ Ar ye kicking a wee one?” Her voice was shrill and croaky, not anything pretty. She was orange and spotty. I saw her out of the corner of my eye and god she was a lot to take in. She was like an assortment of colors, I’ve never seen with some of the lady parts being shown off. She picked me up and I winced a little as she spoke. “I always wanted more folk. Especially a child for ma own”   The captain sighed as she kept repeating it until he said fine.   “ Baby, Sookie, Where the fuck are yer keeping it. I don’t want that runt in my quarters” He barged his ugly yellow teeth. They didn’t even bother to ask my name...not like I would tell them anyway. “She can stay where she came from a crate I heard ye” with that the captain grunted and turned away.   She looked down my shorts and yelled out that I was a female. And all the women on board (very few) looked sad and the male cats went about their work. The captain spat at me and muttered some more words I didn’t understand.   She brought me to her room and sat me down. She took off her coat and sighed. She sat next to me and held my paws.   “Look, You probably are hurt and I'll call the nurse but get this straight. The captain doesn’t care about you or where you come from. You do what he says or die. …You are going to have to kill someone in order to stay here. I’m not going to lie… it’s fun here and money. You’re a child no one is going easy on ya. Also innocence I’ll try to save. I’m rambling sorry. You should leave if you get the chance unless you want to stay. You will learn a little of everything here. So let’s start again. I’m Sookie the captain’s wife and navigator and if you hear sex… it’s not sex. The captain’s name is Purgar and he likes his women beneath him...literally. To do well you have to kiss ass. Specifically, his. You’ll probably start as a cleaner. Any treasure you find goes to the captain and he’ll split it from there. Any questions?" She looked at me out of breath and waited for a response. I simply nodded, and whispered out, “Tempest,” and nodded again. I gestured that I can’t talk. Well, I don’t want to but she won’t know. Sookie picked me up by the scruff and took me down the hallway. She screeched into a room and a small group of men and one woman run out naked. She looked over at me, “I said I was going to protect your innocence but I got tired. They were having sex. Eventually, we won’t care anymore. Now get in the water."   After a few minutes, she yelled out “YER AREN’T GREY”.   After the bath, I was fed scraps of leftovers and was put to wash dishes. The crew was loud and made a lot of jokes apparently that I didn’t understand. Most got drunk and sung songs but I was put to work before things got out of hand. When I was done I walked back to my crate where Sookie had put a torn-up sweater as my blanket inside. As I heard distanced laughs and dancing I heard a closer slap against the wood. I lay still and saw the lizard from before. I called out to it and it came closer. We cuddled and slept and in the early morning when I was woken to serve breakfast he was gone. This happened for almost a month and I saved scraps for what I learned was later a guy. It started getting harder and harder to cuddle and hide him. I named him Ether and began training in my gestures and whistled. Eventually, Captain found out I had him and forced me to either pay up or fatten up the lizard to eat. I choose to give up the money saved.   For years I grew up with the Warriors of Bane. It was hard work and lots of bruises. I got moved around a lot, turns out I think the wheel is my favorite. I had to kill a fellow mate who was caught stealing and was the closest to my age. I don’t really like to remember, the captain gave me a dull dagger and watched. He cried and I just stared and did what I had to do. I learned to use some weapons and began to climb the ranks. I’ve grown fond of the process of navigation to be honest. I’ve collected lots of money and grown together with Ether. He got quite big and strong over time. They didn’t really allow me off the ship for the first few years until I got a better understanding of everything. I also think it’s because I could slip away.Whenever there was a battle I had two choices, either fight or try to keep up with healing the injured. Was never to good at that and battle scared me. The captain still didn’t like me much and I did get beat if something wasn’t to his liking. I never understood why people would stay. He hurt the women and raped them but they never left. There were so many opportunities to leave but I felt like they were too afraid he was going to find them and end it there. Not only did he treat women badly so did the man too, Poor Sookie would get the short end of the stick. She stood out for me and was the only person I really liked. The crew wasn’t much fun unless drunk or highThere were sessions where the captain would kidnap a random stranger on a island and either rape them while we watched and the first person to turn away would have to take a whip to the back or he would torture them to death then throw them overboard. I got really numb to the smell of the blood the more I had to wipe the planks clean. Oftentimes the captain and some of his favorites would take a drug he refers to as Catnip, they would just sit there and stare into the sea and sometimes vomit. And that's where I come in, the cleanup crew. There is one thing I remember the most when I was around 14, a female mate who often banged around turned out to be expecting, she began acting fishy and the captain asked me to keep an eye on her and to let him know if she was okay. In the mornings she would vomit overboard and constantly take breaks, she would groan in pain if doing hard labour. I played out the actions she took and her expressions to the captain and showed that she was antsy. The captain simply huffed pat me on the head and left. I later gestured and implied to Sookie what I said and she got mad at me and threw me down. I was shocked and surprised. I did what she told me, I listened. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I thought you were better than this she had yelled, she was punching me asking why and that she had a plan that I ruined. Later that night as I went to bed banged up I learned what the plan was. She and Sookie had come up with a plan to get her away safely, she was going to try to run off the ship during night watch but the captain was waiting. I wasn’t the only one he had watching her. He called a late night meeting and tied her to a chair. He began to laugh and belittle her, saying it was foolish to even try to get away. With every end of a sentence he would kick her in the stomach. And every single time I would slightly wince. I had caused this, I had played a role in this. If only I had thought about what I was doing. He then called us over one by one to either kick punch or slap her. The ones that hurt more got more applause from him. When it came down to the youngest me and Ekiniv he stopped cheering and watched us carefully. He called me first and began a speech about trusting me and how I would be a strong follower. He sat and said one word I regret ever doing ‘Kick” and I did. The tears in her eyes,the flood of blood pool around her with the weak words of pleading. It was at this moment I was ashamed. Everything I had done for what? This wasn’t even a pack of cats who cared for each other. You got hurt and they only helped because it was required. The fights on board because they were here and couldn't leave.This wasn’t a new home and it wasn't going to be. As I kicked her I made a grand decision, I was going to play every kiss ass card to get as close as possible, learn his weakness and leave. I would come back one day to take him with a crew who cared, a crew who without much words would fight for me. And of course take Ether with me. When Ekiniv walked up he spat at her, called her a slut and landed the final blow that ended her life. And I realized I had competition for the spot closest. Sookie never saw me in the same light again, if anything I was alone all over again just with my overgrown lizard. For the next few years I practiced combat and reached higher ranks. I was known as a snitcher and rat, telling the captain everything. Ekiniv was always two steps behind and hated me for being a stronger female. The captain often made us spare and I took the wins which further fueled his anger. Then one faithful say I challenged his first mate to a battle and if I won he would have to step down and if he won I would kill myself for being of shame. Because I'm telling this story I’m sure you know the outcome. The captain began giving me orders to kill those in our way, including children and women no one stood in front of the cat who drew blood. Then the one faithful day my chance came. We had docked at a city for a few days to steal and disrupt when we saw marines heading to shore. I was further on the island with Ether doing some inhumane business then most of the crew and waited till the marines got closer. I began to sprint towards the boat as they quickly pulled away. I made eye contact with the captain and Sookie and braced myself for battle. I gestured and signed that I will return and be fine. But I was outnumbered just as I hoped and taken in while the captain drifted away never letting his eyes off me. And this was my great escape.


Pacifica Angorra


Towards Tempest Kofus


Tempest Kofus


Towards Pacifica Angorra


Date of Birth
January 24th
South Blue
Harsh green eyes
White Wavy bob, with ends dyed blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White fur with black, and brown spots
Aligned Organization


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