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Adventure Summary Session 10

General Summary

The focus diverts back to Rusty Dragon Inn where Visuma and Kek have rested throughout the day and are now ready to join her fellow heroes. Visuma and Kek make their way to the Sandpoint Cathedral where they discover the makeshift tent containing now stabilized townspeople recovering from being attacked by undead. Belor Hemlock is surprised to see Visuma not with our heroes. Visuma convinces Belor to allow her to seek her companions. They both approach Abstalar Zantus and ask he allow Visuma inside the graveyard. Father Zantus is concerned for Visuma and Keks safety, but finally grants her entrance. They approach the protective barrier and a small rift is created for Visuma and Kek.

Once inside, Visuma casts light and proceeds to track her companions. The tracking is difficult with the rain, but her skills as a Shoanti tribesman allow her to find the trail. Visuma discovers the remnants of the battle at the burned out cathedral and Naffer Vosk shack. There isn't much left of the skeletons and zombies. Visuma continues her tracking up the worn out stone trail to the top of the path into the old cemetary. As Visuma crested the hill, she sees her companions in the middle of the cemetery. Unfortunately for them, they don't see a creature, who has rotting and putrid flesh hanging from its walking corpse with eyes glowing with baleful red light dressed in a ragged artisan outfit that is all but rags, sneaking through the headstones toward Mordecai Thatcher and Tharuzall.

Without hesitation, Visuma casts fairie fire on the wight. The wight, who is actually Amos Deverin raised from the dead, starts to glow violet. This allows her fellow heroes the ability to see the ambush.

Luckily, Saban uses his experiences and accumulated knowledge to identify this creature as a wight. A terrible undead creature that has the ability to drain a persons life force from them. This ability makes the creature stronger, but will also turn the drained creature into a spawned mindless wight. The heroes spring into action as the infuriated Amos gives up his sneaking and runs (or crawls) toward Mordecai Thatcher who is the closest to it.

Tharuzall quickly spins from inspecting the statue of the woman holding her baby and readies for the wight to attack him. Pandereos climbs the nearest tree in an act of graceful acrobatics to remove any chance he might be attacked, while Gorin moves forward to help with the fight. Shialu casts arcane acid at the creature to slow its progress, while Visuma summons a ball of fire to burn the creature. Mordecai Thatcher quickly moves away from the creature positioning himself to support the upcoming combat with his alchemical bombs. Saban deftly pulls out his crossbow and sinks a bolt into the undead flesh as it approaches. Tharuzall places all his rage into a single attack that cleanly slices this undead horror in half, sending it back into the grave.

Meanwhile, on top of the Deverin mausoleum, a creature emerges. It's a humanoid about 6'5 feet tall covered in fresh blood which seems to ooze and weep from its body. Its green glowing eyes show a sense of intellect and cunning. Its clothes hang in rags, except for a black cloak, elaborately embroidered and lined with violet silk. Its hands end in sharpened claws that are gripping a handsome falchion bearing heraldic devices on its bronze pommel – three leopards on one side and an eagle on the other. The creature begins to taunt the heroes in common, indicating it will feast on their flesh. Tharuzall yells back that Casp Alvertin should return to the grave. This creature was the old Sheriff who helped put the serial killer Chopper into its grave. Casp was also betrothed to Kendra Deverin , which is why he was buried in their family tomb.

Casp is definitely angry at being pulled from the grave. However, the process has left him hungry for life energy his body lacks. He’s kept his intellect, which has him sending lady Fenchus through the lower part of the graveyard as he shows a horrific display of prowess using a specialty made falchion. The heroes shrug off his intimidation and ready for his assault. Luckily, Shialu has spotted Fenchus trying to sneak forward to their flank. Fenchus is assaulted by Shialu’s acid rays, Mardecai’s bombs, Visuma’s fiery ball of fire, but missed terribly by Pandereos tanglefoot bag. Unfortunately, Fenchus wasn’t ready for the physical beating by Gorin and Tharuzall . Fenchus was dispatched with ease. This further infuriated Casp, who nimbly leapt from the top of the mausoleum and rushed the heroes. Saban sensing the greater threat, invoked Irori , and channeled positive energy against Casp. Casp screamed out in pain, changing his target to Saban because of his holy goodness. Saban made the final act of giving Bless to everyone to provide additional safety to his energy drain. Luckily, Pandereos had cleared his wits and was able to successfully hit Casp with a Tanglefoot Bag to slow him down. This gave Mordecai and Visuma the time they needed to produce pain with her fiery ball and his fire bombs. Casp weathered the terrible damage and struck Gorin with his deadly blade, causing him to cry out in pain as his life force was sucked out of him. Gorin struck back hard, but Tharuzall increased his rage and produced a cleaving blow that sent Casp’s head sailing.

The current battle had ended, but not without sacrifice as Gorin looked weaker. Saban, once again praising Irori, opened a scroll provided by Abstalar Zantus , invoked the strange incantations, and his hands begins to glow. With determination he walked over to Gorin and placed his hands on Gorin producing life force to restore what was stolen by Casp. Meanwhile, Pandereos and Mordecai we’re unable to force down their greediness as they approached the open mausoleum door with the treasure chest. As they cased the mausoleum, a hidden glyph was spotted on the floor. Pandereos slowly wedged up the stone and removed it. Mordecai helped Pandereos remove the iron gate door to ensure no other surprises would occur. Once done, they went into the mausoleum. They were able to see the opened sarcophagi had three names listed on it: Amos & Fenchus Deverin, plus Casp Alvertin. Pandereos pulled out his trusty lock picking tools and safely deactivated the trap, but not without Mordecai leaving before it happened. There is no honor among thieves! The chest contained gems that shined in the light. Pandereos quickly grabbed the gems and placed them in the haversack. Unfortunately, the stone of weight had already laid its curse on Pandereos. It felt heavy to walk for Pandereos after handling the stone. With Mordecai and Pandereos returning to the main party, they discovered the rest of the wights bodies looted. The party quickly identified all the items but a curiously shaped wooden wand (see treasure listing below). Mordecai spotted something missed on Casp Alvertin’s body during the search, a signet ring displaying a sigil of a stein representing the family of Deverin on it that looked exactly like one of the symbols from the Scarnetti mausoleum. With further discussion, the heroes figured out they needed to locate the other rings to lower the protective barrier on the door.  

To be safe and accurate the heroes decided to inspect the Scarnetti mausoleum more closely. Mordecai approached the gates to gain entry, but once he reached the gates the entire ground started to shake. Our heroes were bounced all over the ground as two skeletal giants emerged from the ground on each side of the mausoleum. Towering at least 12 feet tall and smiling with an evil grin and white skull that glows. Most of their flesh dangles off their enormous bones. With an evil intent, they start picking up grave stones and chucking them at the heroes. With quick action, Saban cast Bulls Strength on Tharuzall why simultaneously Shialu made Tharuzall large. Tharuzall smiled as he entered the courtyard to engage an undead giant, but was now the same size. To contain the undead giants, Visuma quickly cast entangle to trap one of the giants, but the other ripped through the vines. Gorin followed Tharuzall into the courtyard prepared for battle. Pandereos quickly climbed another tree to gain sight and advantage on one of the giants. Shialu and Saban moved behind a tree for cover against the flying headstones. Shialu thought they were safe at the moment, but heard something coming from the sarcophagi they suspected belonged to the Kaijitsu family ….

Rewards Granted

Deverin Mausoleum

Casp Avertin

  • Handsome falchion bearing heraldic devices on its bronze pommel – three leopards on one side and an eagle on the other (MW Falchion) - Claimed by Tharuzall
  • A foot‐long brass rod, with the end sculpted to resemble a pointing finger (Wand of Protection from Evil (27) charges) - Claimed by Shialu
  • Coin: 348 gp, 21sp, 40 cp - Split by party (50 gp, 3 sp, 6 cp)

Chest in Deverin Mausoleum

Cursed Stone
Ioun Stones
  • Diamonds (1) 1,000 gp each - Claimed by Saban

Missions/Quests Completed

The players have figured out (thanks to Mordecai Thatcher ) that the glyphs on the Scarnetti mausoleum are to rings from the Sandpoint founding families. Once all the rings are recovered, it will remove the warding to the mausoleum door.

Character(s) interacted with

Naffer Vosk (Graveyard Caretaker) was revived by Saban. Naffer was very scared at being kidnapped by Tsuto Kaijitsu and his goblins. Naffer was able hear hear Tsuto indicating they must get into the Scarnetti mausoleum. Unfortunately, he was beaten and somewhat tortured during the ordeal. Naffer passed out from the wounded before he was able to gain more details. Naffer was thrilled to see the heroes of Sandpoint saving him. Tsuto's words of Sandpoint will burn to fulfill his vengeance.

Created Content

Please remember to delete those consumables from your character sheets. Tanglefoot bags, potions, scrolls, etc.
  • Tanglefoot Bag: Range: 10 feet thrown. Creature gains entangled condition. DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo
  • Entangle Spell: Creature gains entangled condition. Creatures that make their save can move as normal, but those that remain in the area must save again at the end of your turn. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check. The DC for this check is equal to the DC of the spell. The entire area of effect is considered difficult terrain while the effect lasts.

Related Reports

This has information from Ameiko Kaijitsu around the Late Unpleasantness.


The heroes are in the middle of a battle with undead skeletal hill giants outside the Scarnetti Mausoleum. They have all acted, but unfortunately they are being flanked by something coming from the Kaijitsu sarcophagi area.  
  • Gorin entered the Scarnetti mausoleum courtyard and stopped just short of the entangled area that the undead hill giant occupied.
  • Shialu told Sid to stay hidden in the trees. She moved for cover behind a large tree outside the Scarnetti mausoleum courtyard.
  • Pandereos climbed a tree and has positioned himself to attack an undead hill giant.
  • Mordecai Thatcher has moved around to one side of the outside of the Scarnetti Courtyard (outside the fence) and is throwing bombs at the undead hill giant.
  • Visuma used her divine arts to cast entangle in the courtyard to stop the undead hill giants from leaving the Scarnetti courtyard.
  • Saban is surveying the situation and hiding behind the same tree as Shialu.
Report Date
07 Dec 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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