

  LOW LIGHT VISION:The being ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).   SPIRITED: Aasimar are generally inspired beings. They start with a d6 Spirit instead of a d4. This increases their maximum Spirit to d12 + 1.   FACE OF AN ANGEL: Generally regarded by society as a omen of good fortune and blessings, Aasimar are held in high regard, sometimes even undeservingly. Aasimar gain a +1 when using persuasion.   FRAIL: The Aasimar is less durable than most. Reduce its Toughness by 1.   INSPIRING: The Aasimar's presence is one of inspiration to those around them. An Aasimar may freely give their Bennies to any other character they can communicate with.   BAD LIARS: The Aasimar are a trustworthy lot. As such they often find it difficult to deceive those around them. They suffer a -2 when using bluff to lie or mislead.   PACIFIST: Aasimar are kind and gentle souls, generally despising violence. They only fight when given no other choice and never allow the killing of prisoners or other defenseless victims.
120% of Human years
Average Height
5'10" - 6'
Average Weight
160lbs - 190lbs