
Platina Hylea (a.k.a. Denn)

Physical Description

Body Features

Denn is a young woman with a paler complexion and brown hair usually tied into a bun behind her head(if wearing battle attire) She looks to be in her early twenties, and at the mostly average height of 5'10", probably weighing more than 120 lbs, owing to a lean and toned build that points to a life of some amount of strenuous physical activity.

Facial Features

Her eyes are a warm brown, and much of her body language is relaxed and unassuming.

Identifying Characteristics

Two scars are visible on Denn’s torso- one that looks to be a four-inch line set at the middle of her back, jagged at one end. There’s the scar of an exit wound on her stomach. While the first is clearly a weapon, the second bit of scar tissue is on her shoulder, and almost looks to be a tattoo until inspected more closely. Three lines, like claw-marks, a single opposing line on the front of the same shoulder. There are other scars, smaller, thinner little silvery lines, but they are faint in the light.

Apparel & Accessories

To look at her, she appears quite… dowdy. Mundane, or perhaps not well-fashioned. Her shirt is rough-spun, brown, and appears to have embroidery worked in at odd points in the fabric- all green stitching, in the image of leaves. A mantle and hood rests on her shoulders and back of neck, respectively, cushioning the chainmail that weighs down on her. Over that, is a rough-spun surcoat, tucked into her belt. Her boots, like the rest of her garb, are well-worn, clean, but seemingly comfortable. She wears a longsword and messer on her hip.

Mental characteristics


Extensive, though much of it is specific to the finances of the House and the etiquette of the Courts. She learned her martial prowess from a number of tutors and from spending a couple years at The Lotus Sanctuary in the Llian Sovereignty.
Current Location
Year of Birth
637 A.o.K. 22 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Follower of Thea
Other Affiliations
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