

  LOW LIGHT VISION: The Dragonborn ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).   DRAGON'S BREATH: Dragonborn can utilize a breath weapon typical of their color. They gain the Arcane Background (Gifted) with the power Burst with trappings that would be associated with a dragon of their color.   SIZE +1: Size +1: The creature is larger than normal. Each point of Size adds directly to Toughness and increases maximum Strength one step. Large species may have difficulty using equipment designed for more traditional humanoids. See page 106 for more on Size.   ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE: Dragonborn are resistant to an element typical of their color, gaining a +4 to resist this environmental effect. Damage from this source is also reduced by 4   ENVIRONMENTAL WEAKNESS: Dragonborn suffer a -4 penalty to an environmental effect opposite of their color's element (Ice vs Fire, Acid vs Electricity). If this effect results in damage, this penalty acts as a bonus to damage.   BIG: Dragonborn are particularly large in a world where most others aren’t. He subtracts 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment that wasn’t specifically designed for his race and cannot wear their armor or clothing. Equipment, food, and clothing cost double the listed price.   OUTSIDER: Dragonborn are disliked and even feared in some cases within Grae due to their draconic ancestry. Locals are likely to raise prices on her, ignore pleas for help, and generally treat her as lower class. Dragonborn subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence those who aren’t her own kind.   BITE: The Dragonborn has a viscous maw that causes Strength+d4 damage with a bite.
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