
Agile- Drow are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4. This increases maximum Agility to d12+1. (+2)
  Low Light Vision-Drow eyes amplify light. Other races often claim they can see stars in the drows’ eyes. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination. (+1)
  Light sensitivity- Drow struggle to see effectively in areas of bright light. Drow in such areas suffer a −1 penalty to any Trait roll dependent on vision (such as ranged attacks and Notice rolls). (-1)
  Racial Enemy (Elves): The Drow hate Elves. They suffer a –2 penalty to Persuasion rolls when dealing with their rivals and may become hostile with little provocation.* (-1)
  Strong Willed: Self-confidence is strong armor against those who would belittle a Drow. Drow add +2 to their total when resisting any opposed Smarts or Spirit-based rolls, including Tests and arcane skills. (+2)
  Frail: The Drow is less durable than most races. Reduce its Toughness by 1.
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