House/Setting Rules in The World of Grae | World Anvil

House/Setting Rules




  The following skills are being added to the core skills for Savage Worlds in Grae, and as such will be given to new characters at creation at a rank of d4.  
  • Bluff (Spirit)
  • Sense Motive (Smarts)

Skill Points

  Players will start with 15 points to spend on skills at creation, rather than the usual 12 granted by SWADE The following edges will be granted to all player characters at creation.  


  • Hard to Kill
  • Linguist


  The currency of Grae will custom to the world and will be arranged into three primary classifications; "Bits", "Coin" and "Crowns"
  • Bit: The smallest division of currency. Two bits will buy a drink at a tavern, twenty will get you a room for the night.
  • Coin: Fifty (50) Bits make up one "Coin"
  • Crown: The rarest and most valuable division of currency. Fifty (50) Coin make up one "Crown".




  Conviction is a special award granted when a character experiences a great victory or catastrophic misfortune, triumph or tragedy (experienced through moments of great narrative significance.). Conviction can be spent to add a d6 to all a character’s Trait and damage totals until the beginning of her next turn. This die can Ace, and its result is added to the final total. These conviction points are not Bennies and are carried over from session to session.  

Dumb Luck

  Dumb Luck allows a player to spend a Benny even after a Critical Failure. The failure still happens in some way, but the character can spend one Benny (and only one) for one more roll. The hero still drops her weapon, flubs her Taunt, or otherwise “fails” the attempt—but if the reroll from the Benny is actually successful, it somehow still results in whatever success the new roll provides. The player and GM should work together to describe the scene in some unique way that explains how the mishap ultimately results in success.  

Dynamic Backlash

  Characters of Arcane Backgrounds (Learned Magic, Miracles, Psionics or Sorcery) who roll a critical failure on their casting rolls do not automatically become fatigued, as per standard SWADE rules, but instead roll off the Dynamic Backlash table below to see what misfortune (or possibly good fortune) awaits them.    
Dynamic Backlash
2d6 Effect
2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”
3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).
4-5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.
6-8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).
9-10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.
11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.
12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically suc- ceeding against the target with a raise   and costing the caster no Power Points!


  Sanity is a measure of a character’s mental well-being and resistance to the often terrible events around him. It is worn down by scenes of carnage, contact with terrible beasts, or learning forbidden knowledge. It is bolstered by triumphing over evil, rest and relaxation, or even counseling from professionals trained in psychotherapy. Sanity starts at 2 plus half a character’s Spirit.  

Unarmored Hero

  Pulp action tales often feature heroes with little or no armor defeating far more heavily armored adversaries. In these settings, if a Wild Card chooses not to wear any armor (ignoring shields), he adds +2 bonus to his Soak rolls!  

Wound Cap

  Characters can never suffer more than four Wounds in a single hit and therefore never have to Soak more than four wounds either.