Marr The Pilgrim

The Creator God

  At the beginning, there was only the void. Emptiness beyond anything mere mortals could possibly fathom. Formless. Timeless. It was nothing and it was everything. Neither good nor evil, neither dark nor light.   It was at this time that a wanderer from a place beyond the edge of existence appeared. He was Marr, a Pilgrim from an existence torn asunder by the combined forces of Good, Evil, and Magic. Having traversed the endless nothingness that was the void for countless eternities, this traveler found himself weary, tired from his long journey. He had known war and suffering, devastation unimaginable caused by the forces of good, evil and magic. And now... now all he desired was rest. And so as he willed it, thus it became. The Wanderer outstretched his hand, his fingers remembering their divine strength, and he created. From the nothingness of the void sprang forth existence. Stone and Water, Fire and Air. Yes, these were the gifts that he held within him, the remnants of what had been previously, the tools that had created and destroyed once before... and now they would once again. He willed the stars back into existence, the moon and the sun to follow. He molded earth into vast lands, mighty mountains and dense forests. He filled the oceans with water, carved rivers and lakes into the lands. And thus, now with a place to once again call home, the Wanderer found his rest.   But he soon found this existence to be lacking.  

The Creation of Life

  The world that he had set forth to create was perfect, beautiful in every way but in his pursuit of a tranquil existence, this warrior-god had created an existence free of conflict of any kind. He created an existence silent and devoid of life. It was at this time that he had pondered the value of life and all of its intricacies. He contemplated the merits of good and the depths of evil. He considered the great strides the soul of a mortal shall take in its journey to answer the greater mysteries of the universe and their place within it. The quest to better ones self and the attachments they make to one another along the way. This... This was true beauty. It was at this time that the wanderer realized that despite the inevitable conflict between good and evil that would ensue, life itself was the truest form of beauty and perfection. The good cannot be good unless the evil exists, and the dark is not black without the light to make it so. Perhaps he was dooming this existence to fall as his had, but life deserved the opportunity to decide for itself the path that it would take. Thus, he stretched forth his hand and created man and woman and bird and beast and everything in between. This place of rest would not be his alone, but he would share it with all mortals, not choosing to reign above them as was his role in the time that was before, but rather among them as a lone wanderer, a pilgrim simply passing through their world and experiencing its perfect beauty in all its imperfection.   And thus, The World of Grae was born.  

The Pilgrim's First Love

  Some time after this as life began to grow and spread across Grae, the Pilgrim roamed the world that he had created taking on the form of a man of standard stature and strength, unassuming in every way. He met a great many people of every race and walk of life. For countless years, the creator walked amongst his creation witnessing its beauty as those he created witnessed it. That is when he discovered perhaps the most beautiful thing in of all creation; a woman. She was a priestess of the earliest followers of the Pilgrim, and yet she did not know him at their meeting. Marr witnessed her beauty as a mortal man would, he received her kind compassion. He was immediately captivated by her. She had life in her unlike any he had ever known and he found himself wishing to live a mortal life with her, vowing never to reveal his Divine nature to her. For her he wished to simply be a man, and nothing more. And so, he made her his wife. And from their love, a child was born; A daughter named Thea. However, Marr's divinity was passed along to the child and the body of her mother was not able to withstand childbirth. And so, the first love of Marr the Pilgrim passed from this life to the next, never knowing of Marr's godhood. The now grieving Wanderer took his infant child and once again began to roam the lands of Grae. The child grew and was of pure heart, her half-divinity granting her holy power over light, The Celestial Realms and life itself. And thus, she became known as Thea the Divine, "The Mother of Angels".  

The Pilgrim's Second Love

  Some time later, the Pilgrim came upon a great city of the ancient world in his travels, its structures tall and its walls thick. The city was a marvel, the first of its kind in all of Grae. within the walls of the grand city it was as if a whole separate world had blossomed, one that had taken form by the ingenuity, might and will of his creation. Marr would spend much time here observing and interacting with the people of this place. It was at this time that he would meet the next woman that would hold a place in his heart, though this woman would be nothing like his first wife. This woman was not devout or holy in any way, but she was clever. She was a woman who knew many men, as this was her profession in the city. And though he had rejected her at their first meeting, the harlot's physical beauty was unrivaled and she was persistent. The pilgrim found himself enjoying her company more and more as they got to know each other and he found her conversation as stimulating as her bed was warm. And it was apparent that he had become special to her as well, more than any other men she had known. And as they grew closer, it did not take long for her to figure out his divine secret, having been the first mortal to have discovered this fact on their own. Not long after this they were wed, and despite his warnings of the fate of his first wife, the woman wished to give him a child in hopes that through the child part of her would live on with him forever, her mortal legacy living on in the form of an immortal offspring forever by the Pilgrim's side. And so, she became heavy with child and like Marr's first wife, she died in childbirth, bearing him twins; two additional daughters by the names of Illianna and Xyandra. And just as before, he took the children and raised them both in the ways of a divine god and they became known as Illianna the Cunning, "The Mother of Devils", and Xyandra the Cruel, "The Mother of Demons". The twin Half-Goddesses grew to become the rivals of their older sister Allunica, balancing the unchecked "Good" in the world of Grae.

Divine Domains

Creation, Protection, Balance

Tenets of Faith

We are just travelers through this life. Everything is temporary, even existence. Be weary of absolute good and absolute evil, one cannot exist without the other. Power must be wielded with wisdom and humility, or else power will corrupt and destroy, and in this world there is no greater power than magic.
Divine Classification
Prime God
Lawful Neutral
Currently Held Titles