

  STRONG: Orcs are mighty and strong. They start with a d6 in strength instead of a d4. This increases maximum Strength to d12 + 1.   RACIAL ENEMY (Elves): Orcs hate Elves. They suffer a –2 penalty to Persuasion rolls when dealing with their rivals and may become hostile with little provocation. This may only be taken once per race.   DIM-WITTED: Smarts suffers a –2 penalty.   SIZE +1: The creature is larger than normal. Each point of Size adds directly to Toughness and increases maximum Strength one step. Large species may have difficulty using equipment designed for more traditional humanoids. See page 106 for more on Size.   BLOODTHIRSTY: Orcs never take prisoners unless under the direct supervision of a superior. His cold-blooded ruthlessness causes enemies to respond in kind, often costs vital information, creates constant enemies, and may get him in trouble with his superiors or the authorities, depending on the setting.   LOW-LIGHT VISION: The being ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).   TOUGHNESS: The character has hardened skin, scales, or extremely dense tissue that increases his base Toughness by +1.   MEAN: Orcs are known to be ill-tempered and disagreeable. They have trouble doing anything kind for anyone else. Orc characters subtract 1 from Persuasion rolls.   BRUTE: Orcs focus on core strength and fitness over coordination and flexibility. They treat Athletics as linked to Strength instead of Agility for purposes of Advancement. The character may also resist Athletics Tests with Strength if she chooses. Finally, orcs increase the Short Range of any thrown item by +1. Double that for the adjusted Medium Range, and double again for Long Range. If a thrown item’s Range is 3/6/12, for example, an orcs Range is 4/8/16.   MENACING: Being a brutish lout isn’t always a drawback if you know how to use it. Menacing allows a character to put her bad looks or worse attitude to good use. The goon adds +2 to her Intimidation rolls.
80% of human years
Average Height
6'5" - 7'
Average Weight
270lbs - 320lbs
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