Shi no Hana Organization in The World of Grae | World Anvil

Shi no Hana

The mysterious assassin syndicate from the Llian Sovereignty, the Shi no Hana pride themselves not only on their efficiency but also their secrecy. Each regional sect operates completely independent of one another and has no knowledge as to the identities of anyone else within the organization except those within their own small teams. This secrecy includes most Shi no Hana not even knowing the identities of their own upper leadership.


The Shi no Hana rule and operate separately based on region, each with its own leaders and hierarchy.   "Soul" - The leader of a region of Shi no Hana influence. There is only one Shi no Hana Soul per region. It is believed that only three or four Souls exist in the entire Shi no Hana organization.   "Head" - Leaders of individual provences within a region, such as cities or towns. The Heads directly report to the Shi no Hana Souls and each Soul will have roughly five to ten Heads under their influence, depending on the size of their territorial region. No Shi no Hana below this rank except the Voice even knows the identities of their Heads or Souls.   "Voice" - Each head will have one voice under their command. The Shi no Hana Voice serves as a intermediary between the Head and all other Shi no Hana below, as well as a emissary to any potential clients or even enemies of the Shi no Hana. The voice is strictly a non-combatant, even to the point of being forbidden to defend themselves at all should an enemy attempt to harm them, commanded to willingly accept death instead.   "Eyes" - Spies and Intelligence gatherers for the Shi no Hana. Experts in stealth and disguise, the Shi no Hana Eyes will rarely ever engage in combat, instead only ever being commanded to silently observe and report their findings to their Shi no Hana Voice above them.   "Arms" - Advanced assassins for the Shi no Hana. They have proven themselves to be capable combatants able to operate deep into enemy territory on their own with little to no support from their brothers and sisters in the organization.   "Hand" - The most common Shi no Hana rank. Entry level thugs and assassins who's sole duty is to carry out whatever orders their are given by their Heads through the mouth of a Voice.
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Death Flower
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities