

  ELECTRICITY RESISTANCE:With their origins closely tied to the elemental plane of air, Sylph kind are infused with its power and are able to better withstand the hazards that are native there.   Sylph receive a +4 bonus to resist the effect of electricity. Damage from that source is also reduced by 4.   LIKE THE WIND: Sylph are graceful and swift. A Sylph character’s Pace is increased by +2 and their running die is increased a die type.   LIGHTWEIGHT FRAME: Built for the near weightless environments of the Elemental Plane of Air, the physical form of the Sylph is less durable than most. Reduce its Toughness by 1.   LIGHTER THAN AIR: While not actually lighter than air, the Sylph is very light and accustomed to sailing through the sky. The Sylph can jump twice as far as other races, often giving them the illusion of flight. In addition, he adds +4 to damage when leaping as part of a Wild Attack instead of the usual +2 (unless in a closed or confined space where he cannot leap horizontally or vertically— GM’s call).   NOT OF THIS WORLD: The Sylph find their origins within the Elemental Plane of Air. Like the other Elemental Races, they often find it difficult to find their place in the societies of Grae, and are almost always viewed as stange and alien. The Citizens of Grae are likely to raise prices on a Sylph, ignore pleas for help, and generally treat them as lower class. Sylph subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence those who aren’t of an Elemental Race   In addition, a Sylph has few or no legal rights in the world of Grae. They are rarely allowed to purchase property, cannot serve in political positions, and are often allowed to be kept as slaves even in locations where slavery is otherwise illegal.