

  ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE (Fire): The species receives a +4 bonus to resist a single negative environmental effect, such as heat, cold, lack of air, radiation, etc. Damage from that source is also reduced by 4.   LOW LIGHT VISION: The being ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).   IMPULSIVE (Major): Tieflings are creatures of strong emotion and passion. They almost always leaps before they look, often doing what feels right rather and fully thinking things through before taking action.   OUTSIDER (Minor): Due to their fiendish appearances, many tieflings are met with fear and misunderstanding. Tieflings subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence those who aren’t her own kind.   STEALTHY: Tieflings are particularly skilled at sneaking around. They gain a +2 bonus when using the Stealth skill.   PARRY: The Tiefling's natural Parry is increased by +1 due to their prehensile tail and enhanced reflexes.
120% of Human years
Average Height
5'8" - 6'
Average Weight
175lbs - 200lbs