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A New Chapter Report

General Summary

With the better part of a year behind them, our adventurers now sat in Hell's Outcasts, sharing drinks and food in the midst of Brewfest, the third festival of the year. However, they were growing restless with such a long break between adventurers. Once again, Kaizzt proposed that they travel North, back to his homeland in the Griff Mountains, as he desperately wanted to know more about his past, and make sense of his life. Questions had been nagging him harsher than ever before, since he met Nillea, an old acquaintance. The party agreed to go along for the journey, and even helped Kaizzt with expenditures since he had spent all of his earnings preparing himself for an arduous journey. To find their way there, the party visited the Cartographers' Guild and purchased a detailed map, which would take the party all the way from Greyhawk, to Djekul in the land of the Fruztii, close to Kaizzt's home. With map in hand they set off to Elmshire, a small port on the Nyr Dyv. From here they sailed to Radigast City, and the County of Urnst, through which they traveled, but not unhindered, as just two days from the capital, they came upon a sizable group of bandits. While they did them little harm, they were a warning that they were close to the borders of the Bandit Kingdoms. A day or so after the encounter, it began to rain heavily, and while there we towns to stop at for a dry place to sleep, there was little to shelter them from the downpour in between. On their way through the Deluge, they came across a village named Fellwood in the need of aid. A visiting reeve who was overseeing local disappearances asked the party for a bit of help in investigating north of town. An escort took them north, where a few patches of bloody soil were found, and after a bit of digging around, figuratively and literally, they came across a few lopped off body parts in half collapsed tunnels. Out of curiosity, Martin imbued a stone with a dim light and tossed it down into a tunnel, and peering back were four bug-like eyes, and a huge pair of mandibles. Out of the ground burst four chitinous creatures, spitting acid and biting at the party. Despite the numbers and size of these creatures, they were defeated easily enough. After wiping their blades of insect insides, they returned to the village for a meager reward. After a few more days of travel, the rain subsided and they set up camp between Urnst and the March of Woodverge. However, their rest was quickly disturbed by approaching soldiers. While those who could hide did, Martin and Kaizzt stayed in the open to parley with the soldiers. The approaching men told Martin and Kaizzt that they would not be able to camp so close to the border, but after some convincing, they decided they would be able to stay, after rummaging through their camp, and thankfully too, as Nillea had a crossbow trained on them even before they had come close. Moving on from the border, they traveled into the Woodverge, and to the city of Midmeadow. Though they had only planned to stay for a day, but Andrew, concerned about travelling through the Theocracy of the Pale, due to Kaizzt's heritage. The party agreed this could be an issue and decided to change their route. Visiting a local map maker, he suggested an alternate route and drew it on their map. The party paid him and started down their new path. The next day of travel they came across something peculiar: two pegasi grazing in a field. The party was able to get them to come close. Kaizzt, wanting to bond with one of the creatures, made a prayer to Istus, and in miraculous display, the creature changed shape, into a far more grizzled creature, as it was imbued with the long dead spirit of Kaizzt's old companion, Raijo. Emboldened by this gift, the party continued into the Pale, unafraid of any threats that might face them, perhaps foolishly unafraid...

Missions/Quests Completed

Given: Digging Up the Past
Adventures in Greyhawk
Martin Arraway
Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP
Kaizzt Kalamir
Report Date
21 May 2020


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