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Kingdom of the Fruztii

The Kingdom of the Fruztii is a harsh country, with long cold winters and short summers, but it is more tolerable than the kingdoms farther north.  The country lies on the border of the Griff and Corrusk Mountains and is situated between the Timberway and Spikey Forests.  The land is rocky and covered with sparse forests.  Farming and fishing are both important facets of the Fruztii economy, though fishing more than farming, as the growing season in the region is rather short.  Wild warriors from the kingdom and those around it often band together in longships to raid the Aerdy coasts, though rarely are they well trained and are little more than glorified bandits, though perhaps a bit fiercer.


The king or queen rules over a set of twelve (now thirteen) Jarldoms, each of which govern chieftain-led villages.


Foodstuffs (plus fish), furs, silver, gold, iron, timber, shipyards


The history of the Fruztii is one of myth and legend, as much of it has been lost to time.  The oldest of tales speak of a god named "Woden" who led their people to the north, though this god and the ancient pantheon is only worshipped by a few secluded tribes.  Several-hundred years after the founding of Aerdy the Fruztii, along with the other kingdoms, began raiding the southern coasts, and the Fruztii were the most successful in this endeavor.  Eventually, a great war put an end to this, with the Fruztii taking the heaviest losses.  For a good while, the Fruztii were subject to the Schnai, but broke free under King Rälf, the father of the current king.  Since then, they have built a powerful military and secured trade, making them rather successful.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture and fishing are incredibly important to the Fruztii, as it is a harsh land that cannot produce much.  Its few great fields are highly prized and are jealously guarded by the king and his jarls.  The fishing business is what allows many to survive near the coasts, as fish are plentiful year round, and sailing is engrained in the culture.

Trade & Transport

While there is a road that connects the two major towns in the kingdom, sailing is how many goods are moved around.  Any village near a body of water, such as a river, owns at least one longship to get their goods to a port for trade.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

Articles under Kingdom of the Fruztii

Character flag image: by Anna B Meyer


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