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Krakenheim is the largest settlement in the Kingdom of the Fruztii and its capital. The town is responsible for the majority of trade done with other nations, and has a booming fishing industry. It is also home to the largest shipyard in the region, and boasts huge docks. The town is spilt into three districts, the first being Stonethorp, which is where most of the town's population lives, which gets its name from the oldest buildings, which are built out of small boulders. The second is Báturheim, the dock ward, where the majority of the trade takes place. The third is Stonepoint, named for an unnatural sharp stone, around which Bulwark, the king's castle, is built. It is a rich district, housing a fine marketplace, and noble longhouses.


Hereditary feudal monarchy


Stone walls, dock towers, Bulwark

Industry & Trade

The town exports many fine goods, such as furs, gold and silver crafts and whole longships.


Docks, shipyards


Most houses are built of wood with cobblestone foundations and thatched roofs. Poorer people usually live in old houses made of boulders plastered together.  Richer home owners might have tiled roofs held up by large timbers.  Those who are even richer and are in the king's good graces own fine longhouses in Stonepoint, where feasts are held during festivals.


Krakenheim is set on a flat plain, right next to a river that leads to Grendep Bay.  It is one of the few truly flat areas in the kingdom where one can see eastward for miles from a high enough point.

Natural Resources

Krakenheim is surrounded by sparse forests, giving it access to some timber and flat plains, making the land good for harvesting.  The freshwater river and ocean make the area a prime spot for boat travel and fishing.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
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