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Silvan Montoya

Deceptive bastard who might be gay you don't know and you really don't want to try to find out in case you wake up the next morning with a hangover and a pain in your ass. A wandering Merchant who's main attraction to his cart is the fact that he is a "Demon". Silvan enjoys drinking, selling, sleeping with the inn keepers wife, and he mostly enjoys going on his "walks".

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim, Quick, lasts roughly 1 hour and 15 minutes

Body Features

short horns, slim tail, you have to find out his size in person.

Facial Features

He is beauty he is grace, he will tongue fuck your face

Identifying Characteristics

He is a tiefling..... easy to identify.

Physical quirks

Left handed, walks to the beat of any music playing around him (may even dance to it), proper posture.

Special abilities

Can dodge crosbow shots from the husband of the women he slept with

Apparel & Accessories

dresses nicely with slightly darker colors to complement his skin tone.

Specialized Equipment

Sneaking, Swindling, Running, Loving

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Parents adopted him when he was 2 (Humans). Learned from them the tricks of the trade for being a merchant.

Gender Identity



Might be gay. Will complement all asses equally


Schooled by parents



Accomplishments & Achievements

Once sold a quill for 25 gp

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost all his currency once to a drunken sailor in three dragon ante.

Mental Trauma

Afraid of doing the same thing every day and never experiencing change.

Intellectual Characteristics

Swindler, Professional Liar

Morality & Philosophy

The world doesn't change for you, you have to get your hands dirty and change it yourself.


Cheating is second nature to him, as well as finding other peoples belongings in his pockets.

Personality Characteristics


Hopes to be the greatest merchant in all of Greyhawk.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great at talking with others. Terrible at explaining that he is not a demon

Likes & Dislikes

Singing, Dancing, Music, Cooking, Drinking, Eating, Selling, Going on "walks"

Virtues & Personality perks

Charming, Fast hands

Vices & Personality flaws

Doesn't know when to stop insulting others. An asshole.

Personality Quirks

flips coins in his hands win bored.


Never combs his hair


Contacts & Relations

Sends mail to Parents often

Religious Views

Enjoys hearing about Religions

Social Aptitude

Charismatic, Flirtatious, Rude, Calm


Speaks highly of others (uses Sir or Madam) unless they are rude to him, if so he will treat them like dirt.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys trying the best foods of the places he visits. Enjoys cooking even if he isn't great at it.


Proper tongue
Current Location
Doesn't know
Current Residence
Hell's Outcasts
Long black hair, brushed to the side
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Yes I do know a spell! its an ancient spell passed down from my ancestors called laying your wife better than you ever could if you keep asking stupid questions."
Known Languages
Common, Infernal
Ruled Locations


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