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Hell's Outcasts

Under an old warehouse in the Thieve's Quarter is a basement that serves as a tavern to many wayward and disenfranchised individuals. This tavern is known as Hell's Outcasts, owned by an adventurer and run by many of the strange denizens he has met in his travels. It is a place anyone is welcome, assuming they don't bring too much trouble or break anything. The tavern specializes in serving strong drinks and spicy meals, though if one values their pride, they should never touch the fresh milk in the corner, no matter how hot their food.

Purpose / Function

While the most obvious purpose of Hell's Outcasts is to make a profit, it also serves as a network for attaining information from patrons through rumors and idle talk. In addition, the warehouse above acts as a hideout and a base for the Six to live at and plan their next adventure.


The building initially served as an old warehouse, but fell into disrepair. After it came into Sylvan's possession, he renovated it, cleaning up the basement and filling it up with tables and chairs. He also took the liberty of turning the warehouse above ground into a functional living space for his friends. After he made some money from the place, he added in a few side rooms for gambling or other private matters, and a small office and storage space for his ledgers and fine alcohol.


The warehouse above the tavern is constructed of decent timbers, but is nothing too fashionable. Below, the tavern is made of stone.
Founding Date
599 CY
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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