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Amothus Palanthus

Early Years

While Amothus was a child, he was pampered, given whatever his heart desired. Eventually, in his late teens, he was accepted into the University of Palanthas to study under private tutors before becoming the next Lord of Palanthas. He never took to physical contests of strength, which bored him, instead favoring political debates, which he thrived at. He was a favored of all the political groups and the ladies while at the University. He also found a love for the arts such as romantic ballads, but he himself was never able to compose anything. Then, at the age of thirty, his father renounced his position as the Lord and gave it to his son to take over.

Lord of Palanthas

Amothus was the mayor of Palanthas during the War of the Lance, and when the elven princess Lauralanthalasa Kanan was named general over the Knights of Solamnia, Amothus was quick to also give her command of his soldiers. He was also the mayor during the Blue Lady's War in 356 AC.

As he advances in years, he appears to be more of a push over on many political topics, though sparks of his old brilliance do shine through from time to time. Recently he has taken to valuing the opinion of the Lord Knight in most matters

He is attended to in his daily matters by a tall, straight-shoulder butler named Rufus.


As the Lord has no known or acknowledged heirs, the question of succession comes up yearly (usually around the time of naming day). Amothus has not chosen a successor, often saying, "maybe I won't ever die. It's worked for Astinus, why not me?"


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