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Returning Home

General Summary

As the party left the Underfell, they took time to recover from their recent battle and headed back to the village of Ryn. There they were able to learn that most of the citizens had returned to normal and were no long under the effect of other book's enchantment. Unfortunately, that didn't apply to Donnan Cooper, who had first found the book in the Underfell all those weeks ago. His exposure to the book had been too prolonged and he seemed to be permanently maddened by the event.

The party agreed to take the books back to Palanthas, as well as Donnan to see if they could get some help for the madman.

Lastly, they left a portion of their treasure with Fergus and Aine to help care for the orphaned son of Donnan and Brega. With tearful goodbyes, the party left the village of Ryn and headed home...

During the first day out, as the party passed through some hills, they ran afoul of bandits. However, these bandits appeared to be waiting, and waiting for this particular party of heroes. When confronted, the bandit leader called out for the heroes to give up the Book of Names, that they were just cleaning up someone else's mess.

"Give up the books and you can be on your way!"

When the party refused, several more bandits from the nearby hilltops, weapons trained on various heroes appeared. The bandits were defeated, with one escaping into the hills while the party continued on their way.

A few days later, they arrived back in Palanthas and finished up their business. Donnan was placed under the care of the Clerics of Mishikal, supplies were returned to the Knights of Solomnia, and the party went to take the books back the Great Library.

On their way, they were "approached" by a hooded figure. He appeared tall, with a foreign accent that no one could quite place.

He wanted to let the party know what was so special about the Book of Names. Contained within was information on a distant bloodline of the Palanthus family. Since the current ruler, Amothus Palanthus didn't have a known heir, this might point to a distant relative with a claim to the throne. Without this knowledge, the city senate would choose the next ruler, with strong competition already underway among many of the most prestigious houses in Palanthas.

The party thanked the stranger for their information but have chosen (at this time) to do nothing with it. They turned the books over to the library and went about their personal business.

Rewards Granted

Access to the Library, including the secretive Red Archive.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Returned the two missing volumes of the Book of Names
  • Took the mad Donnan Copper to the Clerics of Mishikal
Promise of a New Day
Peyton Wheatbringer
Lais Qruwlobblib
Derwin Brokenlock
Kiara Nashtal
Report Date
31 May 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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