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(Some info edited from Dragonlance Wiki)

Dalamar is one of the most powerful wizards on Ansalon. Once considered a true Silvanesti Elf, he was branded a Dark Elf for his pursuit of forbidden magic. Dalamar learned from the infamous Raistlin Majere. After the passing of Raistlin during the Blue Lady's War, Dalamar has become the Master of the Tower of High Sorcery.

He is tall and graceful, with shoulder-length black hair and a charismatic voice. Dalamar is slender but strong and has bronze-colored skin. He can speak Kagonesti, Silvanesti, Solamnic, and possibly other languages.

He is one of few individuals to be aware of lands beyond Ansalon, including other contents, other worlds, and space travel accomplished through the concept of Spelljamming.

Early Life

Dalamar had a strong talent for magic, and House Mystic trained him in the most basic magical arts to prevent him from pursuing magic on his own and possibly becoming a renegade mage. Dalamar was given the White Robes of Solinari around 347 AC, but had not taken his Test of High Sorcery and was still a member of House Servitor. Despite his white robes, Dalamar studied forbidden magic from spellbooks he had accidentally discovered in a cave, and he dreamed of someday taking his Test.

War of the Lance

When Dragon Highlord Phair Caron attacked Silvanesti in the fall of 349 AC, Dalamar was disheartened at the elves' response to the attack. He formulated a plan and shared it with Lord Tellin, who in turn shared the plan with King Lorac, Ylle Savath of House Mystic, and Lord Garan of House Protector. Though he first offered the plan as a way to save his homeland, he realized that its success might bolster his chances of being allowed to take the Test of High Sorcery . Dalamar's plan involved the use of illusion magic to confuse the Dragonarmy, which was held in low regard by the white-robed wizards of House Mystic. Lorac approved the plan, however, and Dalamar was sent north with the Silvanesti army. His plan was successful but the elves lost the battle. In the ensuing confrontation Tellin was slain by the wizard Tramd o' the Dark before Dalamar's eyes.

Post War of the Lance

Back on Silvanesti land, Dalamar made haste to the secret cave where his dark spellbooks had lain unused for years. Using the name Dalamar Nightson, he pledged himself to the dark god Nuitari shortly before being discovered by Wildrunners. He was taken back to Silvanost and declared a dark elf in the presence of Alhana Starbreeze, Porthios, Lord Reyl Konnal and others. He was exiled, once again, from Silvanesti.

The Test of High Sorcery

During his Test, Dalamar entered the Tower of High Sorcery at Istar with the Black-Robed wizardess Kesela. He nearly killed Kesela to keep her from interfering in another wizard's Test, and that wizard turned out to be Lorac. He saw Lorac take the Dragon Orb out of the Tower and realized that the orb was what doomed Silvanesti. Dalamar's refusal to stop Lorac signified that he placed more importance on his magic than on his homeland. Dalamar passed his Test and became a Black Robe, and Ladonna immediately sent him to find and kill Tramd, which he eventually did.

Raistlin's Ambitions

Conclave of Wizards gave him the chance to study under Raistlin Majere as the Conclave's spy. Dalamar thrilled at the opportunity to learn under Raistlin and agreed immediately. Dalamar faithfully served Raistlin, his shalafi, yet also continued his reports to the Conclave of Wizards. Though he knew Dalamar was a spy, Raistlin informed the dark elf of his plan to travel back to the time of Istar and study under the archmage Fistandantilus before trying to usurp Takhisis's place in the pantheon. Raistlin offered Dalamar not only power, but also Raistlin's sister Kitiara, in return for his aid. Raistlin also punished Dalamar's duplicity by inflicting five wounds on the dark elf's chest. For the rest of his life, Dalamar had the five oozing wounds that were caused by Raistlin's fingertips.

Additional Points:

  • Dalamar decided to increase his own magical knowledge by assisting Raistlin.
  • From this time forward he often paid homage to the Dark Queen, though his reasons for doing so are not known.
  • He helped ease Elistan's dying moments as payment for aid the cleric provided for Raistlin
  • He gave Tanis a magical bracelet that would defend him against Lord Soth's magic.
  • After Raistlin was stopped, Dalamar closed the laboratory and opened the tower to new apprentices, typically red and black robed initiates, but also a few white robed.
  • He has taken on an apprentice of his own, Ryon Limblade.
Also known as:
  • Dalamar Argent
  • Dalamar the Dark
  • Dalamar Nightson
  • Dalamar of Tarsis

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