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Tower of High Sorcery

The Tower of High Sorcery at Palanthas is one of the five original Towers of High Sorcery build on Ansalon. When it was originally built, it was built with white marble walls and crimson minarets. This changed though following the end of the Lost Wars. The Tower was cursed, and the white and red turned black.

The tower is surrounded by a guardian forest, known as the Shoikan Grove. It is able to cast terrible fear in those who come in sight of it. Not even kender are able to go near it, and only with an invitation from the Master of the Tower, using extremely powerful magic (usually a charm or talisman), will a mortal be able to near it. Even the fiercest dragons, either chromatic or metallic, will not fly over or near the forest.

Age of Might

The Kingpriest of Istar grew to mistrust arcane magic due to its tolerance of dark magic and called for the destruction of all arcane magic on Krynn. This lead to the Lost Battles, during which the Conclave of Wizards lost two Towers to destruction, but the Conclave did not want to destroy Palanthas due to all the magical artifacts that were stored there. They came to an agreement with the Kingpriest, and were going to turn over the Tower to the Lord of Palanthas, Urian. Just as Highmage Merroc was about to turn the Tower's keys over to Urian, Andras Rannoch called down a curse upon the tower:

"You think you have won! You have nothing! The gates of this Tower will remained closed and its halls empty until the day comes when the Master of both the Past and the Present returns with power!"

After that, he leaped from a tower window, and he was impaled upon the Tower's gate. With his death, the curse fell upon the Tower and the beautiful tower became black and twisted. The Tower lived up to its name of Doom-spire. People would move out from the surrounding area of the tower, to be away from the evil. The Conclave attempted to take back the Tower, but after several powerful mages lost their lives, they gave up.

Age of Despair

Follow the victory at the Battle of Neraka (at the end of the War of the Lance), Raistlin Majere came to claim this tower. The guardians there allowed for him to pass. Here Raistlin would study alone other than his apprentice, Dalamar the Dark.

With the death of Raistlin, Dalamar became the next Master of the Tower. Dalamar opened the tower for wizard apprentices, mostly Black and Red Robes. All sorts of magical artifacts were stored there once again

Members Associated with the Tower:

Alternative Names
Spire of Lore and Doom, Tower of Palanthas, Palanthas Tower, Tsandol Sirran (Lore-spire), and Tsandol Shurn (Doom-spire)
Parent Location

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