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Party All the Time

General Summary

After the earlier events of the day, our heroes were looking forward to a relaxing evening, including a fancy dress ball sponsored by Katarin and Edgar Tolstoff, in honor of the visiting dignitary, Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan.

After changing into their finest clothes, and in some cases getting assistance, such as Glass getting help from her landlady, Mrs Trundle.

At the party, everyone had a chance to mingle with various guests. Kiara got to meet Wyatt Allman, a young city watch captain, who looked a little out of sorts at such a gathering. She also noticed a pair of well known mages, Ellen Pennyton, clad in white robes with black accents, and her husband, the white-haired half-ef Collins Blackwind. Meanwhile Ambassador Argent Silverflame was seen talking with Peyton, while Theta was talking with anyone who would engage him, which didn't include many, as they thought he was merely a mindless automaton.

During the ball, a troupe of actors were performing the classic farce play, "The Marriage of Philomina". Derwin stared on watching the play, and remembering all the times he'd performed it with his acting troupe. He noted that his performance of the Zannie butler to the evil doctor was much better than the goblin performer. As he watched on, the performers took on the images of his friends, and then he saw each as they last appeared, charred and in flames. The sight overwhelmed him and he started shaking. His friends all rushed to his side.

Across the room, a corpulent man cried out, "I've been stabbed!" as he fell to the ground. A young woman nearby ran through one of the closest exits. The heroes all ran to the man, Derwin having regained his senses, while others, including Terris Laevon, a high cleric of Sirrion who tried to administer healing on the spot.

While Terris was summoning his divine powers, the heroes ran to the exit in pursuit of the fleeing woman. Down a side hallway, a man stepped out from the shadows,

"No, no, this doesn't concern you. Be on your way." As the party advanced, the bodyguard set about attacking the party. While getting a few good hits on Peyton and Theta, he was no match for the combined efforts of everyone. Soon they were past his obsticle and racing further down the hall.

There they encounter a stunning woman with pale complexion, in a tight fitting red dress and adorned with simple jewelry, including a modest gold ring and a delicate strand of pearls.

"Please leave me be, you have no idea what I've endured," she said, brandishing a small dagger at the heroes.

She was quickly tackled to the ground and disarmed. In doing so, the ring she wore also slipped off her finger. This bauble turned out to be magical and created the illusionary appearance everyone saw. With the magic deactivated, the heroes now saw her for what she truly looked like. Here, the party could see that the woman was a bit shorter than the illusion, her skin a fair bronze tone. But that was only part of her face, as much of it was covered in scar tissue from a sever burn. The one striking blue eye and flowing light brown hair made this woman look like a grotesque version of the picture that had been seen all around the city in recent weeks.

This was Ophyal Ramstel, author, paramour, and victim of several Palanthian nobles.

"Please I don't mean you any harm. That disgusting man out there was response for this," she pointed to her scared face, "and now I have my revenge, on him... on all of them!"

From the main ballroom, they could hear commotion and guards calling out. Knowing that there would be someone coming down here soon, the heroes had to make quick plans.

Kiara would go back to the main ball, her adopted parents were there and if she didn't put in an appearance, things might escalate. Meanwhile, Peyton, would take Ophyal and the rest of the heroes back to his apartment in the city.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ambassador Argent Silverflame - Silvanesti elf, he as served as ambassador to Palanthas for several decades
  • Wyatt Allman - a young city watch captain
  • Ophyal Ramstel - author, paramour, and victim of several Palanthian nobles
  • Ellen Pennyton and Collins Blackwind
Promise of a New Day
Peyton Wheatbringer
Lais Qruwlobblib
Derwin Brokenlock
Kiara Nashtal
Report Date
05 Jun 2022
Primary Location
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