Annalise O'Shea Character in The World of Magna Terra | World Anvil
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Annalise O'Shea

Annalise O'Shea (a.k.a. O'Shea)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

O'Shea is of very average build for her height, if not slightly more slender than the norm. Her small frame hides her years of combat and tactics training, which, in tandem with her obvious blindness, tends to make her enemies over-confident.

Body Features

Although generally covered by loose-fitting clothes, O'Shea's body is quite well taken care of. She has a regular workout regimen and ensures that a good portion of her pay goes to keeping her body strong, as evidenced by her musculature. On both of her outer forearms are many scars of different shapes and sizes from her accident, which she takes care to cover with long sleeves.

Facial Features

O'Shea understands that even thought she's blind, the face is always the money-maker. Over the years since her accident, she's learned to reliably apply simple makeup to accentuate her features. Despite her lack of sight, she still makes a point of trying to make eye contact with those she speaks to based on where she thinks they are. With her sharp features and neutral expression, it's hard to tell exactly what she's thinking at any given time; the mark of a professional thief. On her face are several small scars from her accident, including a larger one over her right eye.

Identifying Characteristics

-Scar over right eye -Visibly blind -Several piercings on both ears

Physical quirks

O'Shea has a habit of staring at people when she speaks to them, despite her blindness. This comes off in an unnerving way, although she doesn't mean it to. While she does use a cane to navigate sometimes, her cane conceals a sword within. Ever paranoid, she keeps her thumb pressed in between the sword and sheath so that it doesn't click into place - ready to draw her weapon at a moment's notice. Sometimes, she can be heard quietly making small clicking noises when in an unfamiliar place in order to use the echoes to navigate.

Special abilities

O'Shea has spent several years without her sight and dedicated considerable time to training her senses to retain her combat ability. To this end, she has trained her hearing to compensate somewhat for her lack of sight. Within 25 feet, her hearing is good enough to function nearly as well as sight.

Apparel & Accessories

She carries with her a rapier which was purchased for her by her mentor, Conrad, when he began teaching her to fight. After her accident, she had the sheath replaced by a hollowed out cane to assist her in navigating without her sight while removing the need to carry two objects.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

O'Shea was born to a changeling and a peasant woman. She never met her father, and her mother passed from illness when she was very young. Growing up as an urchin in the poorest parts of the city, O'Shea learned from an early age to lie and steal to get what she needed from others, as was the law of the slums. One day while trying to steal a loaf of bread from an older man while his back was turned, she was caught. The man whirled around and grabbed O'Shea's hand, pinning her to the table. The man's senses were far more sensitive than O'Shea had anticipated. This man's name was Conrad, and it was he who would take pity on O'Shea. For many years Conrad raised O'Shea like his own child, teaching her to read and write in several useful languages and showing her how to perform many less lawful skills to a similar proficiency. As O'Shea got older, Conrad introduced her to a handful of his underworld contacts and took her along on jobs for various underground organizations to teach her his trade.   O'Shea's 19th year was when everything went horribly wrong. Conrad had gotten a job to steal valuables from the home of some nobles in the inner sanctum of Quercas Linnake. While they were inside the estate, they found that they'd been double-crossed when the manor's guards began to sound the alarm and rush them out of nowhere. Conrad drew his sword and prepared to make a defensive retreat, however when he turned to check on his protege, he found that instead of helping him to hold the line, she had frozen up in fear. Using this momentary lack of attention to their advantage, the guards lunged forward and cut Conrad down while O'Shea looked on in horror. As the guards advanced on her, she took the only way out she could find - the window. As she impacted the glass and it shattered everywhere, the world went black - in her panic, O'Shea had failed to protect her face from the shattering window pane. She survived the fall by landing in a well placed row of bushes, although the fall shattered her arm badly and left her unable to move.   She managed to get away with the help of their lookout, who carried her back to their hideout in the residential district. Although O'Shea did recover over the next months, her sight never returned and the mental scars would last a lifetime.


Her mentor and adoptive father, Conrad, taught O'Shea almost everything she knew. Being an orphan and later a thief, she never had any formal schooling, although Conrad's inquisitive personality meant that she had plenty of books to read and quandaries to ponder. Conrad taught her how to read and write, how to fight, and how to survive in the lower rungs of society.


O'Shea enjoys regular contract employment with some of the seedier members of society.

Mental Trauma

Conrad's death deeply traumatized O'Shea. In one instant, her entire world was turned upside down. She lost her closest friend and ally, and also her only parental figure. The scars she received from the incident might fade some day, but the mental scars will last forever.

Intellectual Characteristics

O'Shea considers herself to be reasonably intelligent - and she's right to. While not a scholar by any stretch, O'Shea prides herself on her ability to get information and put it to strategic use. Everyone, she believes, has a weakness - and she intends to find and exploit it if needed. However, O'Shea isn't above admitting she doesn't know something, and is always willing to listen to someone more knowledgeable.



Mentor (Important)

Towards Annalise O'Shea



Annalise O'Shea

Mentee (Important)

Towards Conrad



A blind rogue trying to make her fortune.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
Year 352-354
Dusty orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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