City-State of Thalassia

Thalassia is a picturesque coastal city with bustling harbors, vibrant markets, and elegant architecture that blends traditional and modern styles. Its streets are lined with buildings made of light-colored stone and wood, with rooftops often shimmering from the use of Electrum.


Thalassians primarily consist of Humans and Half-Elves, with a notable presence of other seafaring races. The population is diverse, ranging from wealthy merchants to fishermen and artisans.


Governed by a council of merchants and sea captains, Thalassia’s laws focus on trade, maritime safety, and Electrum regulation.


The city is protected by high walls, watchtowers, a fortified harbor, and a small but skilled navy.

Industry & Trade

Thalassia thrives on Electrum processing, shipbuilding, fishing, and trade in maritime goods. It's a significant exporter of Electrum-infused items.


Notable for its advanced shipyards, extensive docks, lighthouses, and well-maintained roads. Thalassia also boasts efficient sewer systems and public courtyards.


The city is divided into the Harbor District, bustling with trade; the Artisans' Quarter, known for crafts; and the Electrum Enclave, where the wealthier class resides.


Thalassia's assets include its fleet of trading and fishing vessels, Electrum refineries, and extensive warehouses storing goods from across the region.

Guilds and Factions

The Shipwrights' Guild, Electrum Artisans, and the Sailors' Brotherhood are influential, alongside merchant coalitions.


Thalassia transitioned from a fishing village to a wealthy trade city following the discovery of Electrum's properties.

Points of interest

The Electrum Market, renowned for magical goods; the Harbor with impressive ships; and the Seafarer's Shrine.


Tourists come for the city’s scenic beauty and seafood. They typically stay in seaside inns and taverns.


A blend of traditional coastal and modern styles, with structures adorned with lights and magical effects powered by Electrum.


Located on a beautiful coastline with rolling hills nearby, offering panoramic sea views.


Mild, with warm summers and cool, wet winters, benefitting from the sea's moderating effect.

Natural Resources

Apart from Electrum, Thalassia has access to seafood, timber, and agricultural produce from nearby fields.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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