Lacustris Horrendum

Basic Information


Lacustris Horrendum are large, predatory fish with a muscular, streamlined body designed for rapid movement in water. They possess multiple fins, including a large dorsal fin for stability during swift turns and a powerful tail for propulsion. Their skeletal structure is robust, supporting a wide mouth filled with sharp teeth, adapted for seizing and devouring prey. They have two pairs of limb-like fins that aid in maneuvering and, potentially, in grappling their prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lacustris Horrendum reproduce through spawning, where females release eggs into the water and males fertilize them externally. The species may exhibit territorial behaviors during breeding seasons to protect spawning sites.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rapid growth from fry to juvenile stage, reaching full size within a few years. They undergo several molts as they grow, shedding and regrowing scales to accommodate their increasing size.

Ecology and Habitats

They thrive in the deep, still waters of eastern valley lakes within the Tangled Depths jungle, preferring areas with abundant cover and access to open water for hunting.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Apex predators, feeding primarily on More Prismatis Grung offspring, smaller fish, and occasionally other Lacustris Horrendum. They employ ambush tactics, using vegetation and rocky outcrops for concealment.

Biological Cycle

Seasonal changes influence their activity patterns, with increased hunting aggression during breeding seasons to feed their young


Solitary and territorial, Lacustris Horrendum display aggressive behavior towards intruders and potential threats. They use visual and possibly chemical signals to communicate dominance and territory.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Primarily solitary, except during spawning seasons when they might gather in significant numbers around fertile breeding grounds.


Their size, aggression, and habitat make them unsuitable for domestication.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While not directly exploited due to their dangerous nature and remote habitat, tales of their fearsomeness may contribute to local lore and legends, influencing cultural symbols or protective amulets designed to ward off evil spirits.

Facial characteristics

Dominated by a wide mouth and sharp teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Confined to the eastern valley lakes of the Tangled Depths.

Average Intelligence

Exhibits problem-solving abilities, especially in hunting strategies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These creatures have highly developed sensory systems:
  • Hearing: Acute, capable of detecting low-frequency vibrations.
  • Sight: Sharp, with excellent low-light vision.
  • Echolocation: Some speculate they might use a form of echolocation or bio-sonar to navigate the murky waters of their habitat, though this leans more towards speculative biology.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

May host specific parasites; relationships with cleaner fish or similar species possible.
Up to 30 years.
Average Weight
Can weigh several hundred kilograms, depending on age and habitat.
Average Length
Up to 4-5 meters in length.
Average Physique
Bulky and muscular, built for speed and power.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark, mottled patterns help camouflage in the aquatic environment.
Geographic Distribution


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