The Frigid Expanse

In the shadow of the northern mountains, where the snow whispers secrets of old and the cold is a constant companion, lies a realm of wonder, strife, and ancient magic. This is the Triumvirate of the Frigid Expanse, a coalition of three powerful city-states, each under the patronage of a mighty demi-god.  

City States

  Ursus, The Bearhold Cradled within the protective embrace of the mountain named Bjorn's Rest, the city-state of Ursus stands as a testament to resilience and strength. Its people, the Ursians, are hearty warriors and hunters, known for their bear-like endurance and ferocity in battle.   Patron Deity: Bjornholdt the Armored, a polar bear demi-god who walks among his people, offering wisdom and protection. His temple, the Shrine of the Polar March, houses his legendary armor, and it is said his presence in battle can turn the tides in Ursus's favor.   Villages: Small, close-knit communities dot the landscape, each with a towering totem depicting Bjornholdt's visage, a symbol of their unity and faith.   Blomstervale, The Ever-Spring In stark contrast to the surrounding ice, Blomstervale blooms eternal, a valley where it is forever spring. The air is fragrant with the scent of flowers, and the sound of bees is a gentle undercurrent to daily life.   Patron Deity: Freyvida, the demi-goddess of spring and growth. Her followers, the Blomsters, tend to the Everbloom Gardens, a place of beauty and botanical marvels that supplies the city-state with medicinal and alchemical components.   Villages: Built with wood and living plants, the villages are a seamless part of the landscape, designed to nurture and sustain the natural wonder that envelops them.   Jernskog, The Ironwood The sound of hammers and the hiss of steam are the heartbeat of Jernskog. Nestled among the craggy peaks, this city-state is a marvel of ingenuity, a place where technology burgeons at the edge of the known world.   Patron Deity: Vauldron the Master of Cogs. This demi-god roams the Iron Grove, a metallic forest of his own creation, and guides his followers in the art of invention and mechanization.   Villages: Constructed with a blend of stone, iron, and steam, these communities are fortified against the elements and equipped with advanced technology to ensure their survival.  

The Coalition

While each city-state is sovereign, they are bound by the Triumvirate Pact, an agreement of mutual defense and trade. Their leaders meet annually at the Summit of Tines, a neutral ground where politics are as treacherous as the paths to reach it.  

Threats and Allies

The Ice Trolls: Reclusive beings that live in the frozen wastes, challenging the borders and testing the mettle of the Triumvirate's warriors.   Ice Elementals: Spirits of the snow and wind, they can be capricious, often viewing the mortal inhabitants as invaders in their pristine realm.   Frostbeard Dwarves: A secretive clan of dwarf druids aligned with Skadi, an ancient white dragon. They guard the secrets of the glacier and maintain a fragile truce with the Triumvirate, as long as their lands remain untainted by mortal greed.

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