Umbraferro Tabaxi

Basic Information


The Umbraferro Tabaxi are bipedal felines with a compact, muscular build, suited for arboreal life. They have four limbs: two legs for agile jumping and climbing, and two arms with hands capable of fine manipulation. Their fingers and toes end in strong, retractable, steel-like claws for carving into wood and gripping tree branches. Their dark coats provide camouflage in the jungle shadows, and their tails aid in balance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Umbraferro Tabaxi reproduce sexually with a gestation period similar to that of large terrestrial felines. They give birth to live young, usually in litters of two to four kittens, who are raised in the safety of the treetop homes.

Growth Rate & Stages

They mature quickly compared to humans, reaching adolescence by the age of 3 and full adulthood by 10. Their stages of life are kittenhood, adolescence, adulthood, and elder, each marked by different social expectations and responsibilities.

Ecology and Habitats

Their optimal environment is the high canopy of the Tangled Depths jungles where they carve out homes in trees and create rope bridge networks. They rarely descend to the ground due to predators and have adapted to an almost exclusively arboreal lifestyle.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Umbraferro Tabaxi are skilled hunters, working in groups to catch ferrivorax piranhas from streams and collaborating to take down large mycosaurus pachydonts. Their diet is carnivorous, with a preference for fresh meat.

Biological Cycle

Seasonal changes affect their hunting patterns and social rituals. During the wet season, they may stay within their tree homes more often, and during the dry season, they expand their territories and are more active.


They are social and cooperative within their own communities, forming strong familial bonds. They are cautious and evasive around predators like the Statera Trutina Yuani-Ti and tend to be defensive and protective of their territories.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They live in tight-knit clan groups with a clear hierarchy, where each member has a role.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Tabaxi are not typically used or exploited by other species due to their intelligence and lifestyle. Their magical abilities and knowledge of the jungle could be sought after by outsiders, but they remain isolated and self-sufficient.

Facial characteristics

Feline faces with sharp features, large eyes, and a variety of coat patterns.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Primarily found in the Tangled Depths jungles.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, with complex social structures and the ability to adapt to environmental challenges.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their senses are highly developed: acute hearing for detecting the slightest rustles, excellent night vision for seeing in the dim jungle, and a keen sense of smell for tracking. Some may have innate magical abilities that can include simple spells for healing, protection, or enhancing their senses. However, these powers are secondary to their physical capabilities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Male First Names: Often inspired by natural elements and strengths (e.g., Strongbranch, Swiftstream).
  • Female First Names: Usually reflect agility and grace (e.g., Softwhisper, Brightleaf).
  • Common Last Names: Based on significant life events or personal achievements (e.g., Skydancer, Treehewer).
  • Naming Schemes and Traditions: Names are given by the elders based on observed traits or notable events surrounding the birth of a kitten.

Major Organizations

Political Factions/States/Kingdoms: Clans based on family lines, led by the eldest or most capable member.

Beauty Ideals

Displaying natural features such as sleek fur, bright eyes, and strong limbs. Bioluminescent fungi patterns on clothing or fur are considered attractive.

Gender Ideals

Both sexes are expected to contribute equally to the clan's welfare, with ideals of strength, agility, and wisdom celebrated in all genders.

Courtship Ideals

Demonstrations of agility, intelligence, and resourcefulness. Elaborate rituals of gift-giving, such as presenting rare feathers or fruits.

Relationship Ideals

Partnerships are based on mutual respect, skill complementarity, and the ability to work together in harmony.

Average Technological Level

  • Major Discoveries/Inventions: Advanced rope-making, tree-carving tools, herbal medicines.
  • Commonly Used Items: Simple but effective tools like grappling hooks and woven baskets.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Common Dress Code

Minimalist, made from local materials like leaves, vines, and animal hides, often decorated with natural pigments and bioluminescent fungi.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Rich in storytelling and music.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Celebration of the full moon, rites of passage for young Tabaxi, and communal hunts.

Common Taboos

Touching another's tail without permission, descending to the jungle floor unnecessarily, and overhunting.

Common Myths and Legends

Legends speak of an elusive "Red Dot" that dashes through the trees. If one were to finally catch and eat the Red Dot, whispers say that it would be the most delicious meal ever consumed by a Tabaxi. Many have seen this legendary abnomality but none have ever been able to catch it.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Umbraferro Tabaxi have a complex relationship with their neighbors in the Tangled Depths. They are typically neutral to the colorful but deadly Mors Prismatis Grung but choose to avoid the nomadic Luminomyces Leshy. The Tabaxi are, however, hunted by the Statera Trutina Yuani-Ti.   The Tabaxi are warm to travelers and explorers, see them as opportunities to learn about the world outside of their jungle. They will eagerly attempt to trade with any non-native species, so long as they're friendly and respectful.
Approximately 60-70 years.
Average Height
Around 5 to 6 feet tall when standing upright.
Average Weight
120 to 180 pounds, with a lean and muscular build.
Average Physique
Agile and strong, with bodies built for climbing and leaping.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Primarily dark shades to blend into the shadows of the jungle.
Geographic Distribution


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