Rhennee (Rhenn-folk) Ethnicity in The World of Oerth (D&D 3.5E Greyhawk Campaign) | World Anvil
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Rhennee (Rhenn-folk)

The Rhennee (Rhenn-folk) - Gypsies   The Rhennee are a group of people that supposedly aren’t even native to Oerth. They may have come to the land from another plane although they cannot remember what it was like only that it was vastly different than the Flanaess in a place called Rhop.   At first they could be taken as Oeridians since they have much of the same physical appearance with tan to olive skin and black to dark brown hair. Their eyes are usually brown, gray or hazel. They are a small built people, males rarely averaging above 5’6", but are strong.   They live on the waterways mostly with whole clans of families living on barges. They tend make their living by transporting goods and people. The head of a family is a matriarch, but all other women are looked at a bit lower. The matriarch is usually a fortune teller and predictor of weather. There is no formal marriage in Rhennee society so men usually have many wives. The men tend to be proud and aggressive to a non-Rhennee male that would look favorably toward one of his women. Very rarely do Rhennee mix outside of their race.   The customs they keep tend to be a bit strange to outsiders and the Rhennee don’t seem to mind. They tend to walk more along the lines of neutrality than to any good or evil, but recently some have taken up with evil cults such as Vecna and Iuz.
Rhenee Bard  
Rhenee Duelist
Encompassed species

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