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Archdaemon Thaumiel

Thaumiel is an archdaemon of Abaddon and the patriarch of the Astra line.


The gang first became aware of Thaumiel during the adventure "Call of the Void" wherein Aleister Kester was found to have been consorting with Thaumiel to create a substance to "awaken" Thaumiel's offspring to his call. During the adventure the gang also learned of the Astra family line, of which Raziel, Lilith, and Solas are members and of which Thaumiel is the progenitor. At the end of Call of the Void it was revealed that Kester was successful in his plan to poison foodstuffs going out into the major ports of the world, sowing the seeds for Thaumiel's plot.

During the adventure "The Divine Art", the gang was confronted by a servant of Thaumiel calling himself Samael who destroyed the home of Dr. Idris Tenebris. Over the course of the adventure the gang would eventually discover that Samael was an Anoma of Solas Castelle from another world, who was enlisted by Thaumiel on both his world and here in this world.

During the adventure "Event Horizon", Thaumiel took action against the First World, seeking to invert the tree of life from which all positive energy flowed into the material plane. He enlisted Samael to lead his army into the First World, but his efforts were rebuked by the gang when they managed to (with Tutu's help) convince Samael to abandon his mission. In anger, Thaumiel possessed Samael's body to complete the inversion himself. The gang confronted him within the necropolis and (with Tutu's help) were able to unleash a massive amount of positive energy which weakened Thaumiel enough for the gang to force him out of the First World.

Call of the Void II

Thaumiel's whereabouts and plan are currently unknown, but Samael (now taking the name Cyrus Astra) warns that the archdaemon could strike at any moment.

Divine Classification
Current Status
Recovering from recent defeat at the hands of the Stardust Crusaders

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