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Cyrus Astra

Solas Norman Castelle (a.k.a. Cyrus Astra)

Cyrus Astra is an Anoma of Solas Castelle from an anomalous world parallel to the Planetae Prime. He arrived in this world during the events of the adventure "The Divine Art" and was a living host for the Archdaemon Thaumiel up until the end of the adventure "Event Horizon" when he defected and joined the Stardust Crusaders.


In his Own World

Cyrus has explained that the world he came from was one not unlike the Planetae Prime, but different in that the Golarion of his world had been destroyed at the hands of Thaumiel, and by extension his own hands. While he was alive, he and his adventuring party (who referred to themselves as GNKC, for Glitter, Noise, Knives, and Claws) faced a great deal of struggle at the hands of Neamhi Tenebris and her mysterious demonic patron. During an adventure in the First World to save his sister Tutu from being overwhelmed with positive energy, they were deceived by Nea, who convinced the nymph Queen Hesperides to switch bodies with Tutu and escape the island. Despite their best efforts, Tutu lost control of the energy building inside of her which erupted in a blast of fiery destruction that killed Cyrus and his companions.

Following his death, Cyrus was resurrected by the Archdaemon Thaumiel to serve under him as a herald. The Archdaemon's influence corrupted his soul and planted a seed of revenge in his heart. Emboldened by this newfound power and desire for destruction, he assisted Thaumiel in breaking through the barrier into the First World and inverting the Tree of Life. This ceased the pour of life giving energy into the material world and instead flooded it with negative energy, creating a world of the dead. This act of vengeance against the world left Cyrus empty, and for an unknown amount of time he floated through the void awaiting something new.

He was approached by Kana, the Dark Mother, within the void and was given a proposal. If he would travel to the Planetae Prime then he would have a second chance to see his sister live. In return she asked that he seek out Thaumiel and fulfill his grand design once more. Cyrus agreed, and crossed the threshold into this new world.


In the Planetae Prime

When Cyrus arrived he joined forces with Thaumiel quickly and began to set his plan in motion. In between his work for the Archdaemon, he sought out a method that could be used to grant his yet unborn sister eternal life. He found a solution in the form of the Liber Ivonis, a book of Lamashtan texts which contained the knowledge of creating demons from mortal souls.

Cyrus first came onto the scene during the adventure "The Divine Art" when he destroyed the Tenebris household in an effort to claim the demonic book. He was waylaid by the Stardust Crusaders and forced to regroup and form a new plan. He next showed up within the city of Caliphas, where he forged an untrustworthy alliance with the SDC against Neamhi and Idris Tenebris. During their fight against the Divinita Artei, it was revealed that Cyrus was an Anoma of Solas Castelle, which created a complicated relationship with the group. After slaying the anoma of Neamhi, he claimed a piece of Nea's brain which he would later use to extract the ritual for demon creation. He then left, returning to Abaddon to continue his plot to destroy the First World.

During the adventure "Event Horizion" the gang discovered that Cyrus was on a mission to invade the First World with Thaumiel's daemon army. When the gang traveled to the First World to stop him, they encountered a yet uncorrupted Cyrus (then Solas) while on the Isle of Creation. Due to the strange nature of the plane, the gang was able to briefly merge their worlds and speak with Cyrus to learn more of the events which would eventually lead to his world's destruction. Before their worlds split apart again, Cyrus gave his mother the feather of his muse as a token to remember him by.

Confronting Cyrus at the Garden of Eden, the gang and Tutu's Anoma were able to appeal to his humanity and convince him to end his campaign into the First World. Before they were able to push back the daemonic army however, Cyrus was possessed by Thaumiel and was taken to the Necropolis to complete his dark work. The gang then dispatched Thaumiel and freed Cyrus with Tutu's help. Returning to the Material Plane, Cyrus witnessed the sister he had thought he lost merge into the unborn Tutu, forming a single united being. Wanting to keep the promise he made to his sister in the Garden of Eden, Cyrus agreed to work with the Stardust Crusaders to defeat Thaumiel and put and end to his ambitions of destruction.

Call of the Void II

Adventure Ongoing, see the below reports for more information.

  • SDC - Call of the Void II - Part 1
  • Current Status
    Date of Birth
    29th of Kuthona, 4722 AR
    Grape purple
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Aligned Organization

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