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SDC - Call of the Void II - Part 2

General Summary

Chapter 3: Into the Unknown (Cont.)


The gang arrived in Porta Terminus in one piece, having survived an attack from the Star of Rova cult. They made their way to the manor of Governor Roland de Dumas and spent an evening preparing for the road ahead. During their stay at the manor, the gang inquired about the history of Porta Terminus and land of Arcadia. The governor informed the gang about the dangers of the ruins beyond the Gate of Ravi, explaining that both native and colonist alike avoid the area.

After dinner and rest, the gang set out toward the city of Segada on the border between the nation of Degasi and the colonies. While on the path they were ambushed by crazed demonic tigers, who brutalized the scouts accompanying the gang to the city. The gang slayed the great beasts and found on further investigation that they had been driven mad by fiend's blood. Unsure what to make of this, the gang continued on to Segada in search of answers.

While in Segada, the gang encountered Alfred Bellatrix and his party. Alfred introduced his two allies as Lucas, a cleric of Cayden Cailean; and Catatina, a famed songstress from Absalom. He explained that he had come to Arcadia for the purpose of seeking fame and riches, mirroring Victor's own expedition. Despite the gang's wishes, Alfred invited himself and his group along with the gang on their adventure into the ruins of the empire.

Chapter 4: Trials of the Sun


The gang, plus Alfred's party, set out towards the Gate of Ravi at the northern border of the country of Degasi. Their journey was a peaceful one, despite earlier inconveniences. This peace came to an end when the gang discovered that the pace of time had quickened, hastening the arrival of Kana's star in the sky. On the way to the gate, the gang read through Victor's journals to garner more information about the ruins ahead. In his writings, the gang found details of ancient Razatlani mythology.

Victor detailed a creation myth involving three goddesses known as Chamunda, Sarama, and Divya. He wrote that these goddesses were parallels of the Inner Sea Deities Sarenrae, Densa, and Pharasma. Much like in the Avistani faith, the myth detailed the binding of Rovagug (here called Rova) into the earth. At the end of his notes, he remarked that there were frequent mentions of a god called Ajatasatru who he could not find details on outside of the existence of a poem called the Song of Ajatasatru.

When the gang and Arwen were unable to recall information about Ajatasatru, Catarina offered to recount the poem from her memory. She explained that her mother was a native Arcadian and would tell her of the story as a child. The story began with the events of the Binding of Rova, but included that Rova's destruction allowed for three dark gods to enter the world from their "world of shadow". The story then turned to the birth of Ajatasatru, then a mortal creature, and his adventures through Azlant and later Arcadia. Finally, after jumping between the perspective of the dark gods and Ajatasatru, the story reached a conclusion when the dark gods possessed the first Deva of the Razatlani Empire and all his people. Ajatasatru journeyed to the capital to save its people, but his strength alone was not enough to prevail. Seeing his desire to help the people of the empire, the three goddesses granted Ajatasatru the Cintamani. Ajatasatru used the Cintamani to save the empire's people and confront the three dark gods. Gaining the upper hand, he opened the earth and cast the gods down into the pit where Rova was bound, where they would be devoured by the Rough Beast. Ajatasatru emerged victorious, but suffered a fatal wound which ended his life. As a reward for his noble sacrifice, the goddesses resurrected Ajatasatru and ascended him to godhood, placing him over the domain of travelers and adventurers.

Catarina mentioned that her story was the story as it was popularly known, but that her mother heard rumor of a darker, more sinister ending. She explained that her mother told her that before they were cast into the earth the dark gods took a piece of Ajatasatru's soul, and when he was brought to godhood so too was this evil mirror. Unnerved, the gang thanked Catarina for her tale and continued on the path.

The gang followed Victor's instructions to travel east to the Traveler's Temple, arriving after a few days. Inside the temple the gang found a mural of the Great Binding, the moment Ajatasatru cast the dark gods into the earth. Lilith received a vision of the past, wherein Victor and Arwen's father Caelum spoke a secret phrase to open the mural which revealed a basement to the temple. The gang opened the mural and were assaulted by the scent of rotted flesh. Inside the basement the gang found the headquarters of a group called the Weavers of Fate. The Weavers of Fate were a religious militant group dedicated to fighting the agents of the dark gods. During her research in the basement, Lilith discovered a page detailing the group that the dark gods founded, The Cult of the Corrupted Sun. In horror, she realized that the name's similarity to the Cult of the Undying Light was not the only commonality. Etched in the tome was the Elder Sign, the mark of Kana.

At that moment, the gang was assaulted by Chaos Beasts which formed from the rotted flesh. The beasts proved as dangerous as they had been on the Isle of Creation, but the gang was able to claim victory. With more questions than answers, the gang then called to Ramon for assistance. Ramon seemed to recognize the place, but only in vague recollections. Working with Ramon, the gang determined that there was some link between Ramon and Ajatasatru, and that if Catarina's tale was correct then Roderick shared some link with the dark god's mirror of the traveler god. It was also determined that the dark gods spoken of in the Song of Ajatasatru were none other than the Dark Tapestry's agents led by Kana (called Sonamoni). Atorasu and Dagon were depicted as Maha and Megaduta, which completed the trio of aberrant deities that the gang knew were working together.

With this new information in their arsenal, the gang rejoined their companions outside of the temple. Ramon urged the gang to hurry in their quest to destroy Thaumiel, as Kana's plots seemed to be unfolding more with each day. Ramon then left the temple to prepare for something called the Ritual of Ataama, journey into the soul to unveil the secrets which had been hidden away to him by Roderick.

The gang settled into camp for the day, preparing for the journey ahead.

Report Date
05 Oct 2022

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