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Auric - the Hearthfather

Auric - The Hearthfather - Is the Dwarven God of Health, Home, Family, Life and Light of the Dwarven Pantheon. Wise and even-tempered, Auric values community, stability, and the balance of home. He is the god of maternity, family, orphans, health, and food, as well as defense of the home and territory. His symbol is that of an upright hammer, with the image of a mountain lodged in the center. He makes up the third of the trio of Ancestor-Gods that the Dwarves worship; alongside Muradin - The Forgefather, and Grimna - The Runemother.


He is normally personified by the image of an elderly dwarf, wearing a long simple robe and a simple crown, a broad beard with a double braid holding a long staff, and is represented by the image of a staff horizontally placed over a burning hearth. Auric manifests as a slightly ethereal elderly dwarf, long brown robes trimmed with a tan or red in colour, is balding with big bushy eyebrows that almost seem to obscure his eyes and long white beard nearly to the floor split into two braids each tied at the bottom with a clasp of decorated gold. He leans heavily on a heavy metal staff topped with the head of a hammer. He will also manifest as a giant badger, corporeal in form, but with a noticeable pair of golden stripes down the middle of his back from his head, and his eyes when examined closely appear like liquid golden discs (not glowing). In this form he is often accompanied by two other giant badgers with a single golden stripe as opposed to the usual white one. These two are lovingly referred to as Grungni and Ganji by many miners who have been saved from tunnel collapses after Auric sent one or both of them to dig them out.

Champions of Auric

Alignment: Usually Good, often Lawful or Neutral
Common Classes: Cleric, monk, paladin, or sorcerer
Suggested Cleric Domains: Light, Life, Peace, Death
Common Backgrounds: Acolyte, Cloistered Scholar, Folk Hero
Champions of Auric are typically either exemplars of light or healing, dedicated to the preservation of life, and the peaceful transition to death. Most can’t imagine inflicting unnecessary pain or suffering on the living of any sort, but are willing to exact violence upon those who would cause undue suffering to others.


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