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Muradin - The Forgefather

The Forgefather - Is the Dwarven God of Creation (artisans, smiths, etc.), Battle, and Order. Muradin is regarded as the First among equals of the Ancestor Gods, and the first High King of the Dwarves. Forge and Barrack halls are often treated as informal temples to Muradin, with large statues or carvings of his visage looming large over the assembled in the hall. Muradin represents many of the core values of dwarven society; creation, martial prowess, stoicism, self-reliance. As such he is also the most popular Ancestor God, the patron of warriors, craftsmen, and any who consider themselves noble and good. Followers of Muradin range widely from a stonecarver, to a elderly priest, to a merchant, an armored warrior, or the fanatic dwarven Fyre slayer bezerkers. Muradin is the Firstof three Ancestor-Gods which make up the Dwarven Pantheon; alongside Auric - the Hearthfather, and Grimna - The Runemother.


He is normally depicted in statues in one of two ways; first in war armour wielding a war hammer in each hand, or second as a smith in a simple smith’s smock and a smith’s hammer in hand. In many large forges and temples the statues are of Muradin behind an anvil, hammer arm raised crafting on his anvil. His massive beard is tied into a single intricate braid, his hair tied back, and is wearing a simple crown with a single large inset jewel at the front. His symbol is an anvil with a flame on top. His primary colours are Red and Gold.

Champions of Muradin

Alignment: Usually Good, often Lawful
Common Classes: Cleric, Fighter, paladin, Ranger, Artificer, Barbarian
Suggested Cleric Domains: Tempest, Order, War, Forge
Common Backgrounds: Acolyte, Gladiator, Guild Artisan, Knight, Mercenary Veteran, Soldier
Champions of Muradin are typically those who have dedicated their lives to the ideals and tenants of dwarven culture. From crafting of mundane items, to bringing death to those who would harm the Hold, Muradin's followers exemplify what it means to be a Dwarf.


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