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Bane - Demon Lord of the Abyss

Bane, the Strife Emperor, the Lord of Darkness - Blood-drenched armies of brutal warriors oft crush their foes in the name of the Arch-Demon of the Abyss; Bane, the evil patron of Strife and Darkness. To serve his will is to accept the call to conflict, seeking lesser people to break and subjugate. Warmongering nations and goblinoid tribes worship the Strife Emperor as they strike out at the world to bend it beneath them. Bane twists all living things to his iron will, forcing even nature itself to bow to his whims. Bane plots his conquest of the planes from within the bastion of Banehold, towering among the blood-soaked battlefields of the hid chaotic plan deep within the Abyss. He is the patron creator of foul creatures such as Gnolls, and many were-beasts.


Bane is as shadow of death and destruction. Normally done as a giant humanoid of pure twisting blackness lording over towns and villages, but some also show Bane in warlike combat as Minotaur like beast with a massive skull mask, armoured from the waist down, adorned with skulls, wielding and enormous cleave leading armies of twisted, mutated evil entities. 


The Strife Emperor’s greatest enemy is Azyr and Iroas, who defeated him at Rifenmist during the War of the Heavens and the Cataclysm. The Strife Emperor grows his armies by corrupting noble creatures into monsters and destroying the wilds to fuel his terrible engines of conflict, and the three deities clashed many times during the war before his defeat at Beynsfal Plateau. The followers of Ghyran, Ulmo, Fafnir, and Keranos also have a particular hatred for followers of Bane, for he corrupts the wildlife which they each hold so dear.

Commandments of Bane

  • Fear is your ally. Conquer your fear and inspire it in your foes.
  • Let you anger and hate guide and power you
  • Through destruction the world will be remade


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