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Azyr - God of Light, Justice, Order and Summer

As sunlight casts out darkness, Azyr’s justice casts out chaos and lawlessness. Azyr is the radiant god of Holy Light, Justice, and Order in this world. According to myth, he ensures that the sun rises every day to provide light and warmth to the world. He is the light that pushes back against the darkness, and is the ultimate embodiment of self-sacrifice, service, and righteous zeal. He ensures the rule of law which keeps anarchy at bay. His priests help establish bureaucracies and lawful order in communities, while warriors dedicated to his cause fight the darkness and purge the corrupted. In the Elven Pantheons Azyr is known in the Elvish tongue as "Heliod", God of Light, the Sun, Summer, and Justice.   Azyr is a member of the:
The Prime Pantheon
Elven Pantheon
Human Pantheon


Azyr has appeared to mortals in a variety of forms, but he prefers the appearance of a sun-bronzed male human in his forties, dressed in a flowing tunic of golden cloth, with a crown and breastplate of gold, and wielding a great golden warhammer wreathed in golden lightning. His profile is noble, highlighted by a strong chin and a short beard, and he boasts the physique of perfectly fit athlete. His hair is glossy black, and his head is crowned with a golden wreath. He is also fond of appearing as a brilliant white Pegasus or a radiant Golden Lion. In any guise, he looks lit by the sun, even when he travels across the night sky. His symbol is that of a an upright warhammer with lightning bolts.


  • Oppose Chaos and darkness in all its forms.
  • Spread the faith of Azyr, by any means necessary.
  • Treat fairly with the servants of other gods.
  • Uphold the tenets of civilization and progress.

Champions of Azyr

Alignment: Usually Good, often Lawful
Common Classes: Cleric, fighter, monk, paladin
Suggested Cleric Domains: Light, Order, War
Common Backgrounds: Acolyte, athlete, noble, soldier
Champions of Azyr are typically either exemplars of light, law, and truth or conflicted heroes motivated by revenge and sworn vows. Most can’t imagine serving those they consider lesser gods, and they strive in all things to do what they believe is right and just, and to banish evil from the world.


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