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War is the lifeblood of hobgoblins. Its glories are the dreams that inspire them. Its horrors don’t feature in their nightmares. Cowardice is more terrible to hobgoblins than dying, for they carry their living acts into the afterlife. A hero in death becomes a hero eternal. Young hobgoblins start soldiering when they can walk and heed the mustering call as soon as they can wield their weapons capably. Every legion in the hobgoblins’ entire society forever stands prepared for war.

Brutal Civility

Hobgoblins, unlike the rest of their goblinoid cousins, are considered to be the most humanlike. They stand tall, hold themselves to high standards of moral honour and discipline, intelligence, patience, martial skill, and unity. While goblinoid society was typically cruel and harsh, some individuals escaped it to carry on lives of virtue. The few who took this risk and succeeded often met cautious praise and acceptance from outsiders. Those that managed to escape goblinoid society, however, continuously plagued by their goblinoid nature. Though hobgoblins were not necessarily evil, they were prone to violence and hot tempers, and often found it difficult to be truly altruistic. When provoked, which was not a hard task, hobgoblins were vindictive creatures who took glee in causing pain to those that injured them. Those hobgoblins who overcome this nature often managed this because of the rewards they found in serving good, rather than evil.   Hobgoblins hold themselves to high standards of military honor. The race has a long history of shared traditions, recorded and retold to keep the knowledge fresh for new generations. When hobgoblins aren’t waging war, they farm, they build, and they practice both martial and arcane arts. These trappings of civil society do little to conceal an underlying brutality that hobgoblins practice on each other and perfect upon other races. Punishment for infractions of hobgoblin law are swift and merciless. Beauty is something hobgoblins associate only with images of conflict, warfare and the weapons of war.

Implacable Gods

Hobgoblins revere two gods unique to their race, the only survivors of a pantheon that was decimated by infighting so long ago that hobgoblins don’t remember the names of the fallen. Nomog-Geaya is the greater of the two and the more frequently honored. He is seen as a stoic, cold-blooded, and tyrannical leader, and hobgoblins believe he expects the same behavior from them. Bargrivyek is a god of duty, unity, and discipline, and he is thought to be pleased by displays of those principles.   Hobgoblins are also practitioners of magic, but as in all things, that magic is geared towards war. Only Results Matter. Devastators study a simplified form of evocation magic. Their training lacks the theory and context that other folk study, making them skilled in battle but relatively illiterate on the finer points of how and why their magic works. The Academy of Devastation believes that an academic approach to magic is a sign of weakness and inefficiency. A warrior doesn’t need to know about metallurgy to wield a blade, so why should a wizard care about where magic comes from? Devastators love to prove their superiority in battle by seeking out enemy spellcasters and destroying them.

Adaptable Expansionists

Hobgoblins are not native to Esseas, but originate in western Tyrean. There, were they have established the powerful Dravinslagg Iron Kingdom. From there, Hobgoblins have spread out across the world and can be found in mercenary troops everywhere. Entire battle companies of Hobgoblins in resplendent armour can be found for hire in the cities of the Meridian Concord, their Battle Wizards and Marines can be found aboard many vessels of the Ashford Trading Company, and security details of nobles around the globe. The Cindarian Dukedoms have accepted a particularly large number of Hobgoblin refugees over the years, fleeing persecution in their own lands.


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