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Mythrax - God of the Dead, Afterlife and Souls

Mythrax, The Raven Queen, Matron of Death, Shepard of Souls, and the Master of the skein of fate; Mythrax is the god of death. Her gaze follows and marks the end of each mortal life, watching over the border between life and death and ensuring the natural transition is undefiled. Many funerals ask her blessing to protect the deceased from the terrible curse of undeath and to ensure they reach the afterlife. All mortals are destined to face Mythrax, the Shepard of Souls, when their lives come to an end. For most people, Mythrax embodies the greatest mysteries of existence—the terror and wonder of life’s last moment and the revelation of one’s ultimate fate in the afterlife. Mythrax is no judge, though. The veiled, silent god undergoes no deliberations and makes no exceptions, only ensures the souls of the dead are guided to Atramentar, the City of Balance and Judgement where souls go to be judged.   Those who study ancient lore believe that the Matron of Death was once mortal herself and is the only known mortal to have ascended to godhood. Her rise instantly shattered the barrier between mortals and gods, and the other gods quickly and fearfully destroyed the secrets to the rites of ascension. The Raven Queen tugs at the threads of fate from her stronghold of black ice within the frozen realm of Letherna, nestled in a frigid corner of the Shadowfell; known as the Ebonhold of Memories. It is from here that she obsessively collects and observes mementos and fragments of memories and essences from those who die. It is place of overwhelming sorrow, overflowing with memories taken from mortals and fragments of dead deities, material objects collected by the shadar-kai and brought to her as gifts, and apparitions of creatures and places associated with strongly emotional stories.

Divine Relationships

Of surprise to many, Mythrax holds a special and complementary relationship with Ghyran - Goddess of Life, Beasts, Forests and Spring. Together they form the circle of life and death, both understanding that the other is necessary part to complete the circle, and abhorring necromancy which breaks that circle. Likewise, Mythrax and Ollandra, God of Medicine and Aging, have a tense understanding as one control death, and the other seeks to prevent it. Mythrax has no true allies but operates closely with Selûne and Shar the Lunar Sisters, as well as Andormu God of Fate. The Lunar Sisters are kindred beings in the night, and Andormu would see the dead remain dead, concerned as he is with the acceptance of destiny and fate.


Few existing visual depictions of the Raven Queen exist; many temples merely use the raven as a symbol of her blessing. The few illustrations of her portray a tall, pale woman wrapped in dangling black linens, with her face obscured by a white porcelain mask and her onyx-black hair straight and never-ending. Other depictions show a black robed figure with no discernible face, a shoulder mantle of black feathers an pieces of onyx colored armour. She is believed to take the form of a Raven when visit or observing her servants. Mythrax’s very presence is stifling, and those who come face to face with her often depart in despair, for it is her purview to oversee the bitterness, envy, and eventual acceptance of those who suffer misfortune.

Holy Day

The Raven Queen’s holy day is called the Night of Ascension, celebrating her apotheosis. The actual date of the her rise to divinity is unclear, but the Night of Ascension is celebrated on the thirteenth day of the tenth month. What was once a night of cheery celebration of the dead in The Ondari Dominion has recently become an occasion to burn effigies and pray for lordess of Death to pass them over and take away the darkness outside the walls.

Commandments of the Raven Queen

  • Death is the natural end of life. There is no pity for those who have fallen.
  • The path of Fate is sacrosanct. Those who pridefully attempt to cast off their destiny must be punished.
  • Undeath is an atrocity. Those who would pervert the transition of the soul must be brought down.

Champions of Mythrax

Alignment: Usually neutral, somtimes evil
Suggested Classes: Cleric, fighter, rogue, wizard
Suggested Cleric Domains: Death, Trickery, Grave, Twilight
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, charlatan, Sage, noble, urchin
Most worshipers of Mythrax seek to enforce the boundary between life and death, whether absolutely or selectively. They often find grim satisfaction in serving the covetous but patient god, knowing that all will ultimately know their patron’s embrace.  

Lesser Idols of Mythrax

Oribos, The Arbiter of Souls - Oribos is the Arbiter of Souls at the Eternal City of Atramentar, City of Balance and Judgement in the neutral plane. The souls of all that die, shepherded by the powers of Mythrax toward death, will be judged by Oribos before passing onto the planes of their deity, condemned to the hells, or destined to wander the neutral plane.


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