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Ordo Draconis

The Ordo Draconis, also known as the Cult of Dragons; is a secretive cult of dragon worshipers who seek subvert, and overturn the world order.   Much of what we known about the Ordo Draconis is shrouded in mystery. Where it started, how long ago, by whom, how are they are organized, etc. is entirely unknown to most but its members, and even many of them do not know. Even much of its recent history has been forgotten by most, or intentionally erased from record. What little is known, is that organization came to prominence during the twilight days of the Zentherian Dynasty, and was a major contributing factor to their fall. After its fall with the dynasty, their presence was actively, and harshly expunged from must of the civilized world. But they continued to survived.

A Shrouded Mystery

By their obviously interconnected nature, there are a large number of Dragonborn and Kobolds among the members of this cult; but Humans actually make up the largest proportion of its membership. Many of the Dragonborn who join are those who have turned away from the old religion, and are desperate for hope of returning to an age of lost glory. Membership within this organization is actively repressed, and its cells are continuously hunted by authorities nearly everywhere.   There is no one type of dragon in particular that they worship, but by the nature of their type of worship the gravitate most often towards Chromatic dragons and their schemes for power. Most Metallic dragons do not seek this type of adoration or power, though exceptions have existed for both Chromatic and Metallic dragons.   It is believed that the main activities of the Ordo Draconis are to gather intelligence for their evil dragons masters, contribute treasure for their hoards, and aid them and their schemes in any way possible, and seek to subvert the present political and religious system in any way they can. Members are believed to be employed as guards to dragon lairs, sometimes containing dragon eggs or hatchlings, while these dragons went to hunt or raid. In exchange, the members of the Cult would seek permission to use the dragons' lairs for shelter as bases of operation. The cult was not against legitimate commercial activities, and as such it had several merchant members who used their well earned money to fund cult projects.   The Cult is noted to be active throughout the Realms, but was especially active in the Northern Ondari Dominion, Kargenras, and Danothmire; as well as the vast mountain ranges of the Kybar's Teeth Mountains, where dragons were more abundant.


They reportedly believe that Dragons are the true divine children of the Gods, and that the world itself is in fact the first dragon curled up waiting to wake up, the cult aims to wake the dragon and re-create the world as we know it. To awaken this "Dragon Soul", first dragons must rule the world once again.


Tear down the present world order, and return Dragons to their place of power.


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