Devotees of the Undying One Organization in The World of Pitesia | World Anvil
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Devotees of the Undying One

Typically viewed as cultists, Moiere's Devotees can be some of the most misunderstood of the follower groups.    While not always inherently evil, following Moiere is bound to lead one to an eventually evil path by association. Goddess of shadow, darkness, and undeath, Moiere entreats her followers to spread the shadows wherever they are found, and to assist in the revival practise of undeath. She revels in sending her Devotees to harass Este's Sunchildren of the Golden One, finding joy in the cosmic struggle between the two gods.


Moiere requires much devotion upfront in order to become a Devotee, but her gifts can be great once given. Positive actions might include:
  • Assisting in bringing someone back from the dead
  • Desecrating Temples to Estes, or shaming him publicly
Care is recommended to prevent gaining Moiere's ire, as she can be particularly vindictive. Avoid doing these:
  • Worshipping Estes in any way
  • Preventing the dead from returning
Religious, Other