Moiere, Goddess of Undeath Character in The World of Pitesia | World Anvil
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Moiere, Goddess of Undeath

Moiere is the Goddess of Undeath and Darkness, and is associated with fungi and other creatures of the dark. As a polar opposite of Estes, God of the Sun, she respresents everything that strives in the dark and away from the light. She is also beloved by those who wish to cheat death.    The relationship of the common people with Moiere and her clergy is a double-edged sword: while many view her as an evil Goddess and avoid being associated with her, she is the Goddess that many still turn to in their darkest hour, those who cannot accept a death of a loved one or are afraid of their own coming death.   It is said that Moiere was a Goddess of Darkness and Death, but when Estes, God of the Sun failed to kill her completely, she became permanently half-dead. When she came back, part of her remained with Perses, God of Death, and so she is the only God that can ferry those from the land of the dead to the land of the living, but they never return completely.

Divine Domains

Death, Knowledge, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A right-facing crescent moon, finished with a half skull on the right side.


Contacts & Relations

She has a tumultuous relationship with Perses, God of Death, with their relationship going way back from before her death. She knows the power she holds over his domain, and revels in it.   Her relationship with Estes, God of the Sun is one of mortal enemies, and she is happy to attempt to turn his clergy against him at any chance she can get.


Moiere, Goddess of Undeath


Towards Estes, God of the Sun


Estes, God of the Sun


Towards Moiere, Goddess of Undeath



After Moiere plunged the world in darkness with The Swallowing of Pitesia, the two Gods locked in immortal combat with each other. When Estes mortally wounded Moiere but failed to kill her completely, she remained in the Soul Expanse regaining her energy and eventually returning, but with part of her always remaining so long as the Solarus Shard remains in her.

Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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