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Kingdom of Mooreland


The Kingdom of Mooreland is considered one of the older human civilizations, with a complicated relationship with the Thanilese, as well as their neighbors, the Tretorian Empire. One of the first nations to develop a naval presence, they've since largely depended on that strength, as well as fishing, to ensure the continuation of their kingdom.

Demography and Population

Known for being one of the longest standing human groups, the Kingdom of Mooreland has seen an influx of more diversity over time, possibly moreso than both Tretoria or Tarragon. Though humans are still a large demographic, Mooreland is also home to many elves, half-elves and even genasi, typically air or water variety. It is also not uncommon to see gnomes here, due to their newly popularized trade with the Somincians.    However, other ocean creatures call Mooreland home, typically sticking to the seas but occasionally naming the marshes and rivers their home as well. Sea elves, tritons, and even lizardfolk have sometimes been seen visiting with coastal towns. Far from the coasts, there are even rumored to be small pockets of owlin residing in the thick forests of Mooreland that border with what was once Csormat.   With a clouded mystery of vampires in its past, it may be somewhat rare to find a remnant of those stories, a dhampir. In addition, as with many of the nations, if looking in the right place, one can find a tiefling or aasimar among the more common races.


Mooreland boasts some of the oldest knowledge of ships and naval military, and has maintained its standing as a force to be reckoned with on the seas. Though their land presence leaves much to be desired, they maintain a safe bubble, as well as strong trade ties, through their well-built and maintained ships that have stood the test of time, as well as generations of sailors and marine combatants, passing down their knowledge and experience through the years.


Mooreland recognizes most of the Traditional Pantheon, though many have something of a sore spot with Estes, as he is the patron god of the Tretorian Empire. In addition, many of the Moorish people take offense to some of the Qarraki gods, and while the governing body of Mooreland does not actively condone worship of these gods, those who show signs of being Qarraki are often deported or exiled.

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom of Mooreland has a long standing history with many nations, and it's relations are not limited to its borders. Being one of the only nations to have any relations with Thanil, it is careful to maintain a somewhat positive relation, despite Thanil's strict views when it comes to outside relations. In addition, Mooreland maintains a fairly good standing with the Somincians, as well as maintaining strong trade ties with the Tarragon Principality  There is no love lost, however, between the Kingdom of Mooreland and its neighbor, the Tretorian Empire. Though they are able to keep the Tretorians at bay, the Tretorians continue to surround them and hug their borders. Trade between the two nations is slim, and can oftentimes end poorly for an unsuspecting or innocent merchant, and general feelings between the populace are uneasy at best. Similarly, Mooreland and Qarrak have very different cultures that make any relation difficult to maintain. Due to these unreconcilable differences, the Moorish are distrusting of the Qarraki, and Mooreland typically maintains a naval presence in the waters between the two nations to ensure a bubble of safety between the two.

Agriculture & Industry

Being a coastal kingdom with a strong naval presence, fishing is one of the biggest productions in Mooreland, though with new growing trade relations with the Somincians and Montecorsians, textiles have become very important to the Moorish culture and economy, as well as some work in shipwrighting for other nations lacking in sturdy ships.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
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