Soul Expanse Geographic Location in The World of Pitesia | World Anvil
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Soul Expanse

The Soul Expanse of the Domain of the dead and departed, where souls go once the body dies. Here, the souls reside, existing in a state of eternal decay, until eventually their memory is gone and their energy has been absorbed back into the world.    Home to Perses, God of Death, and occasionally Moiere, Goddess of Undeath, the only way to escape would be to seek out Moiere and ask for her assistance, but the individual will always have a part of them that remains in the Soul Expanse. Perses is very possessive of those Soul Shards, and will often remind the individual of their betrayal in the True Realm.


The landscape is not unlike a desert at night, smoky sands dotted with small, shallow pools of dark waters. At the edges of this island, shadowed waters lap at it's rocky beaches. If one where to sail to the edge of the plane, they would find the waters crest a sharp edge, falling into an unending abyss. The sky above this plane is perpetually dark, lit only by faded stars in the shapes of various creatures of the abyss that act as guardians, to prevent anyone from entering or exiting the Soul Expanse unless permitted.
Alternative Name(s)
Domain of the Dead, Land of the Lost
Dimensional plane
Additional Rulers/Owners


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