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Lasa Halir

Lasa Halir is a continent in the center of the northern hemisphere. It consists of two large landmasses divided by the Eldar sea. The continent consists of five countries and two independent territories. Although destroyed in 3020 PD, the capital city of Gandora was said to have been the first settlement ever built by mortals.


Lasa Halir covers thousands of square miles and contains a wide variety of geography.
The continent is divided into seven regions:

Western Lasa Halir


Salcroft Coast

  The western coast of Lasa Halir is home to the wealthiest cities in the world. In the years since the fall of the Qudan Dynasty, the Salcroft coast has entered an economic boom as other countries have turned to them with their trade needs.
The country is ruled by the Lord's Alliance, a gathering of the individual city states' Lords and Ladies. The meetings between these nobles are usually held in the city of Kelestrum, but the city is in no way the country's capital city. The largest city on the Salcroft Coast, High Harbor, is known worldwide as the City of Splendor. It is ruled by the Open Lord Laeral Silverhand and the anonymous Masked Lords. The country is known for shipbuilding

Rimdosa Mountains

  The mountainous region of northwestern Lasa Halir. Since the fall of the Qudan Dynasty, the country has been ruled by the Underlings, a council of Dwarves, Gnomes, Drow, and Halflings. The vast majority of the country's income comes from the extensive mining tunnels under the mountains. While most of the settlements in this region are underground, the capital city of Corhammer floats with the mountain peaks. The entire city is held down by immense chains forged by Tilir & Umjiir. The country is known for its craftsmanship.

Nandurn Grasslands

  East of the Salcroft Coast is the open lands of Nandurn. The capital city is Ulenstar. The country to governed by a council of elected officials, mostly elves but not exclusively.
The lands were once the dominion of an ancient Elf kingdom. Those days are long over, but Elven culture is still heavily present within the country. In the south is Caelorna, home of the Citadel of Eight.
The settlements are built to accent the land, not tear it down. The country is home to some of the finest vineyards in the world, and the breeders produce the best horses outside of the wild stallions of Thessacastle.

Eldar Isthmus/Gandorian Strait

  Located in the center of Lasa Halir. The waterway was once the location of the Gandora, which was the capital city of the Qudan Dynasty. The land bridge was destroyed by the Creator, Demogorgon in 3020 PD, killing the Sovereign Raul Qudan . Today, the sunken city is often explored by those clever enough to stay underwater for the required duration. Some say the doorway to the Abyss still lurks beneath the waves.

Eastern Lasa Halir


Chatna Expanse

  The easternmost region of Lasa Halir. The capital city is Qualden. The country is governed by Empress of the Qudan Dynasty's heir, and her surviving council members. This organization is known as the Imperial Remnant and is mostly disliked by the newly freed countries. In recent days, there have been whispers of war in darkened taverns. The imperial remnant recently built an electric railroad through Thessacastle into Nandurn. The new trade route was highly controversial but provided desperately needed trade routes.

Thessacastle Plains

  The southern peninsula is home to the Leonin prides. Few civilizations exist in these lands. The region does not have a capital city but Owlroth is the largest settlement. The largest pride is known as the Goldmanes and consists of over 100 Leonin. The arid conditions create deserts and dry grasslands. Gnolls, orcs, kobolds, dire animals, and a menagerie of beasts dwell in these lands. The prides and factions of Thessacastle all work independently, leaving no real governing body for the country. This led to the Imperial Remnant building a railroad through the land. This stirred tension between the two countries.


Gorverian Empire

  The frozen tundra of the north are all that remains of the ancient kingdom of the giants. There is no capital city. There are few small settlements scattered across the ice such as Boronil. The tundra was once the dominion of the Gorverian Assembly, a magocracy from before the diversion. During the second spark, the Creators destroyed the Assembly with devastating consequences. The lands were forever magically cursed.

Everloft Sanctuary

An elven retreat that maintained its independence throughout the empire's reign. It is currently allowing visitors for the first time in centuries.

Ecosystem Cycles

Lasa Halir cycles through the four seasons. Its location in the northern hemisphere makes for harsh winters, particularly in the mountainous northern regions.

Localized Phenomena

Lasa Halir has regions of extremely potent magic. These regions have been utilized to construct floating cities.


Lasa Halir was the original home of all mortal life. The Creators landed in Lasa Halir before the entire planet had taken form. Over the years, these divine beings began crafting life in their image. These species were scattered across the land and knew not of each other for centuries. During this time the Creators were worshiped by all and, for two millennia life was peaceful.
After a time, the Creators of darkness learned of their brothers and sisters Creators and were enraged, and jealous of the beauty of Elves, Men, Dwarves, etc. The First Spark began with @Othos led his horde up from the depths and attacked @Tilir in the Romdosa Mountains. Eventually, all of the Creators were clashing across the lands, leading to the near-extinction of all mortal life as well as the complete extinction of some species. After the war, mortal life began to put some faith in themselves and began construction on the city of Gandora in the fifth year of Age of the Creators. The settlement paid tribute to every Creator who fought in the First Spark.
Thousands of years later, Gandora survived the Second Spark (also known as the Calamity) and watched as the Creators of Light ascend beyond the sphere for the final time. The Divergence led the mortals of Gandora to spread out and build new settlements across all of Lasa Halir. This new Post Divergence age saw mortals at war with one another for numerous reasons.  

Gorverian Empire

The Gorverian Empire's exact date of founding remains a mystery but the few details that are known place it sometime in the early years of the Post Divergence era. The few remaining scrolls indicate that the magocracy struck suddenly and controlled the majority of the Chatna Expanse. Mages spent years scouring the land for artifacts and great magical secrets. Years of war saw the empire's land reduced to just the Frostmend Peninsula. The Empire surrendered to the rebellion under the condition their empire remains solely in the isolated north. It took decades for the rest of Rondo to realize the Gorverians eventually vanished from the frozen wasteland and left their cities behind in great ruin.  

The Kingdom of Nandurn

  High Elven followers of Vianna traveled into the west from Gandora and founded a new kingdom under the leadership of Ulenimin Nandurn. The kingdom was peaceful and not founded in blood. Elven culture spread quickly throughout the lands influencing architecture, agriculture, language, and religion.  

Qudan Dynasty

  When news of a new Dragon Wars reached Lasa Halir the kingdoms banded together and prepared for all-out war. The Qudan family ingratiated themselves in each of the kingdoms operating at the time and became trusted allies to all buy the Leonin prides of Thessacastle. When the dragon onslaught was thwarted by The Good Looking Adventurers in Argoth, the Qudans began using their newly acquired trust to turn the other kingdoms against each other. After years of war, the family used propaganda to turn the common folk against their liege lords and ladies resulting in various uprisings. In their weakened state the kingdoms of Lasa Halir surrendered or were defeated in battle. The Qudan Dynasty rose and remained for centuries.  

The Smiting of Gandora

  In 3020 PD, the demon prince Graz'zt arrived within the holy city of Gandora and began the slow process of taking over the minds of all within. While within the mind control of Graz'zt, Empress Qudan made no attempt to aid the world in fighting the demon incursion. During this year, the newly ascended Creator of Chaos, Demogorgon, arrived on the material plane. For its first show of might, the fiend destroyed Gandora with the use of meteors and tsunamis. The ancient city was sundered and washed below the waves killing the Sovereign of Lasa Halir and leaving the Empire in shambles.  

The Republic of Lasa Halir

  In the years following the demon incursion, the new emperor decided to break up the empire into five individual countries.  

Manshoon Wars

  A period of time in which an archmages many clones were activated all at once. Each of them awoke with the idea that they were the true Manshoon and that the others must die.


Each country has a location worthy of visiting.
The ruins of Gandora have become a popular location for treasure hunters, as the city was fully populated when it sank below the waves.
The Salcroft Coast is known for its beautiful coastal getaways and hot summers.
The Nandurn Grasslands have several Elven Sanctuaries used as spiritual retreats.
The ruins of the Gorverian Empire are another hotspot for adventurers and treasure hunters alike.
Lasa Halir

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