The Passions (Philosophy/theology)

For characters who are from rural settings, from many of the Upper Isles, or from a non-Vorinist location, The Passions is a notable religious philosophy that doesn't require too much involvement. In Vorin countries, following The Passions isn't ostracized, however it is heavily discouraged as a "pagan religion". Some people who live in Vorinist countries often will follow certain aspects of the Vorin religion, however are more connected to The Passions instead.

Divine Origins

The worship of the passions have no beginning nor no end. While not a formal religion by any means, practitioners believe that The Passions (powerful forces of nature or emotional) shape our world as some kind of omnipotent force that aides, discourages, or encourages humanity when in need.

Tenets of Faith

The primary tenet of the Passions is that wanting something draws it to you. If you need money very badly, you will win when you gamble, or if you strongly desire to visit a particular destination, you will get there even without a map, if you need ancient information but can't find any record of it, you will be lead to the book with the right footnote on the topic. It is similar in essence to the belief that the universe guides a person towards the right path, but the person can go where they please.


One worships by living in their daily lives, it is very simple in practice however many people respect that The Passions will guide them towards the best possible future, all they have to do is make the right decisions when it counts.


There are no particular priests or organizational body for this philosophy/theology, however there are those who are recognized as being "in tune" with The Passions, these shamans are used to understand or interpret the "wills of the passions" however, they are not taken as law of deities, but more as guiding advice.
Religious, Other
Notable Members


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