Archduchess Fen Rnamdi

Archduchess Fen Rnamdi (a.k.a. Queen Fen)

"Archduchess Fen Rnamdi is direct to the point of brutal honesty when she likes you, and cordial and diplomatic when she hates you."   High Lord Torol Sadeas

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ascended to the head or the Rnamdi house after her uncle died of old age in 1150. As is the case with every transfer of power in Veden, House Rnamdi was challenged for the title as the ruling house, which initiated a realignment. In a realignment, the various houses align with each other to form coalitions. In order to maintain in power, house Rnamdi must maintain a strong enough coalition that the majority of other houses will back down. In the most surprising moves, Fen was able to persuade one of her biggest rivals to join her coalition days before her uncle's passing. As such, when realignment was attempted, Fen prevented it by revealing her new ally, which meant that her Uncle's powerful coalition would gain their most powerful rival as an ally. This meant no one in Fen's coalition could leave or disobey, and no one outside of it would dare challenge her. It was a masterful piece of diplomacy, and thus Fen's ascension was the first unchallenged ascension in centuries.


Suspected Bi or Pansexual. Confirmed to have a male consort who acts as an attendant and adviser along with his regular consort duties.


Vedinar Naval College


Admiral of the Veden Armada
Captain of the Spren's Eye
Archduchess of Veden

Intellectual Characteristics

Known for her diplomacy, she is well known for her directness when dealing allies she's trusts, and heavy politicking with her enemies.


Contacts & Relations

Known to have strong ties to the Kholin family of Alethkar, Fen also has ties to top officials in Jah Keved.

Social Aptitude

Fen is known for swift decisive action when she feels passionate about something, and her directness towards her allies, which is sometimes interpreted as rudeness.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1125 EOS 49 Years old
Vedinar, Veden
Current Residence
Vedinar, Veden
Light Yellow
Long and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Drow, Dark purple
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
She's fluent in 6 languages: Alethi, Veden, Theylin, Elvish, Thieves cant, and Undercommon
Ruled Locations


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